break up prank gone wrong (requested)

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The moment you walked through the door and came face to face with Mina sitting on the stairs with her duffle bags at her feet, your heart sank.

Just this morning when you walked out the door for work, everything was fine. She recently arrived home from tour and you know she has a little time off before another comeback begins and you were both so happy.

You shared kisses, talked about plans for tonight, and shared breakfast together.

She wasn't packed to leave for tour or promo.

There was no way.

She just got home and if that was the case for some reason, she'd have a day or two before she'd have to go.

She wouldn't have to walk out the door right away.

So you knew that something was wrong.

Your biggest fear was there had been some sort of loss. Maybe she got some sort of awful call from someone close to her, got some bad news.

Anything but her leaving by choice.

That's not like your girl.

Your relationship is amazing.

There'd never be a reason for that when you're as serious as can be.

"Mina? Is everything okay?"

"No." She said and watched as you put your things down before you came to her side. "I'm leaving."

"Leaving? To go where?"

"Back to the dorms for a while, I guess."

"Why would you do that when we have our own house?" You asked with a nervous chuckle. "Do you just miss the girls? Because if that's the case, I understand."

"No. It's because we need to break up."

Your heart sank even deeper. Her words left you in complete shock.

"What? Why?"

"It's just not working anymore, y/n. I think we need to see other people and focus on our careers."

"You can't be serious." You scoffed. "Mina, I don't want to see other people and I can focus on my career just fine while also staying in a relationship with you! I've done a pretty good job with that so far."

She sighed and looked down at her lap.

"You can't even look at me?" You rolled your eyes. "I can't believe this. After all this time we've spent together? After everything that we've been through? You're just not happy anymore?"

"That's not it?"

"Then what is it, Mina? Because when I walked out that door this morning, we were fine. Now I come home just a few hours later and you're telling me that we need to break up so we can see other people and focus on our careers?"

She saw the tears in your eyes and she tried to reach out to wipe them away, but you shook your head.

"No, Mina, don't! You're only going to make this harder for me if you do that. Don't touch me."

You stood up and tangled your fingers through your hair, unable to believe what was happening.

She didn't listen to what you said though. She thought she'd last so much longer than this with the prank because others have, even when their partners cry or freak out.

But Mina isn't like those people. She genuinely loves and cares about you and seeing you fall apart was breaking her heart.

She walked up to you and pulled you into her embrace.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it."

You melted into her arms, crying against her skin.

"I was just pranking you. I didn't think it'd go this far or this wrong."

You pulled away from her quickly, staring at her in disbelief.

"What? This is a prank? You were pranking me that you wanted to end things between us? Mina, that is not cool!"

She lowered her head in disappointment.

"I know it wasn't. I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" You scoffed.

"Let me explain. Let me show you how much I regret it." She pleaded as she tried to pull you into her arms again.

"No!" You yelled and grabbed your keys and phone from the table, as well as your wallet, before heading out the door.

"Y/N, wait! Where are you going?" Mina asked in a panic as she followed you.

You got into your car and started it up.

"I don't know. But I can't even look at you right now, Mina. I don't want to be here with you right now."

You backed out of the driveway and drove off as Mina sobbed.

She rushed back into the house and began to call the girls, begging for them to let her know if you show up at the dorm or make contact with any of them.

She did the same for your family and close friends as well as her family since you're so close with them all that you could go to any of them at this point.

She took a seat on the sofa and broke down, so ashamed of what she had done.

It was just a prank. A stupid prank. One that went so wrong so quickly and left you so overwhelmed.

How was she ever going to fix this? How was she ever going to be able to show you just how bad she feels about even thinking this would be a good idea?

But when her phone began to ring, she quickly answered it.

She didn't even bother to see who it was.

She just hoped that it was you or the girls.

"Y/N? Y/N, I'm so sorry-"

"Hello? Mina?"

That wasn't you.

"Yeah, this is Mina. Who is this?"

"I work at the hospital your girlfriend was just rushed to. You're her emergency contact. She was just in a car accident."

Her heart dropped and her knees gave out, making her fall to the floor.

"What? Is she okay?"

"Right now, we're not sure. Things are very touch and go at the moment. There's no knowing what will happen. I think you should come down here."

"Yeah, okay." She sniffled and stood up. "I'm on my way right now."

She put her shoes on and grabbed her things before rushing out to her car and tried to get to the hospital as fast but as safely as possible, hoping that she hadn't messed things up so badly that she would lose you for good.

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