calling her by her full name (requested)

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"Mina, baby!" You grinned and got up from the sofa as your girlfriend walked through the door.

You immediately hurried over to her and threw your arms around her to give her a big hug.

"Hi, baby! How was your day?"

"Fine." She said. "Will you quit clinging to me?"

You pulled away with a frown, taken aback by the question that had fallen from her lips.

"Okay." You quietly spoke. "Are you hungry? I made dinner."

"No." She grumpily answered.

"Okay then." You said. "Why are you so grouchy today, hm?"

You poked her sides and playfully teased her, hoping she'd snap out of her bad mood and would giggle the way that you absolutely adore.

But to your surprise, she only pushed your hands away.

"I'm not. Now stop pestering me."

"Pestering you?" You repeated in shock. "Mina, why are you in such a bad mood with me? What did I do?"

"From the second I walk in the door, you're all over me! It's annoying sometimes how clingy you can be."

"I wasn't trying to be clingy. I was just giving you a hug."

"Well, I don't want your hugs. I want to be left alone! Now go away, give me some space."

You weren't going to tolerate being spoken to that way and you were about to make that crystal clear to her.

"Myoui Mina!" You shouted as you folded your arms over your chest and clenched your jaw.

Mina instantly lifted her head and stared at you with wide eyes.

"Don't speak to me that way! That's uncalled for. I'm not sure what's got you so grumpy but I don't deserve that and I will not tolerate you speaking to me that way. Apologize. Now."

She was speechless for a moment.

But she quickly snapped out of her shock and realized how wrong she was for talking to you the way she had.

"I'm sorry."


"Speaking to you the way I did and for being grumpy. You didn't deserve that whatsoever." She said as she walked over to you. "My day was okay but I'm under a lot of pressure at the moment and I took it out on you. I'm so sorry."

"Good." You smiled before kissing her cheek. "I accept your apology."

She breathed out a sigh of relief and sent you a sweet smile.

"I didn't mean anything I said. I don't know why I said any of it in the first place. I truly am sorry, baby. I won't ever be grumpy with you again."

"Mina, it's okay to have bad days and be in a bad mood sometimes. You're human, it happens. I just don't want to be spoken to that way, especially when I didn't do anything to you."

"You're right."

"I appreciate you apologizing to me. I love you."

"I love you too." She said before giving you a quick kiss. "So, you made dinner? What is it?"

"Your favorite. Would you like some, baby?"

"Yes!" She grinned.

You took her hand and led her into the kitchen to make her some leftover food, both of you relieved that all of that was behind you now.

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