spending time with your newborn baby (requested)

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"Look, baby girl. Look who's awake!" Mina gasped as she watched you open your eyes from beside her.

You turned your head to find Mina laying down beside you with your tiny five-day-old little girl resting comfortably on her chest.

Your daughter's eyes were open and her tiny fingers were clutching Mina's shirt.

"How'd you sleep, darling?" Mina wondered.

"Good." You said with a yawn. "How long have you two been awake?"

"Not long." She answered. "It's only after six am. If you want to go back to sleep, you can."

You shook your head and opened your arms for your little girl.

Mina happily placed her over on your chest and you felt your heart flutter as your daughter's warm cheek rested against your skin.

It's hard for you to believe that you brought her into the world five whole days ago and that you've been home as a family of three for two days now.

They've, hands down, been the best days of your life by far.

Even though you're tired and sore, your little girl is worth everything you've been through over these last few days.

You stared down at your daughter and watched her eyes slip shut as she grabbed onto one of Mina's fingers with her tiny right hand, her left one simply resting on your chest.

"I still can't believe how perfect she is." You spoke. "She's so tiny."

"I know. I wish she could stay this way forever." Mina spoke as she leaned down and gave your little girl a soft kiss on her head.

"Me too." You spoke quietly. "Though I'm excited for the future with her."

"I am too." Mina smiled brightly.

You stared down at her adoringly, admiring her every little precious feature.

From her fingers to her ears to her little nose and her lips, everything about her was perfect.

Since she's only a few days old, there's not much to do with her quite yet.

But that's fine with you.

You're more than happy to stay in these moments for as long as possible, cherishing each and every one of them that you get to spend with your favorite girls.

Suddenly, she started to fuss, and you shushed her softly before rubbing her back.

"Shh, oh honey, it's okay." You whispered.

She continued to cry, the sound breaking your heart.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." Mina sang, making your daughter quiet down and drift back off to sleep.

"There we go." You spoke softly and kissed her head as Mina ran her fingers delicately over her little arm.

"I promise to sing to you every night," Mina promised her as she kissed her head a few times.

You leaned your head on Mina's shoulder and she carefully wrapped her arm around you before pulling you close to her.

Your heart felt so full of love for your girls that you almost felt like you could cry.

You wondered how on earth you ever got so lucky to get to call Mina yours and start a beautiful little family with her, feeling like the luckiest girl in the world.

"What are you thinking about? Hm?" Mina whispered in your ear before softly kissing your cheek.

"How lucky I am. I've got a beautiful wife, a precious daughter... life is so good." You said and turned your head to watch Mina's eyes light up.

"I'm the lucky one. Thank you for everything, Y/N. For always being here for me and for loving me for me. And now, for bringing our little girl into the world. I'm so lucky and so in love."

You shared a sweet kiss before looking back at your little girl.

"She's amazing." You said as you stared at her in awe.

"That she is."

You shifted around slightly and your little girl opened her eyes once more, looking at you and Mina but not fussing.

"Hello, angel. Yes, we're talking about you." Mina spoke as she ran her fingers across the baby's soft forehead. "You're so perfect, aren't you?"

"Here. Why don't you hold her some more?" You said as you gently laid the baby on her chest.

"Happily." Mina smiled as she held your baby's hand in hers. "Hi, tiny girl."

The baby began to fuss once more and Mina softly shushed her.

"No, shh, shh." She whispered. "It's okay. We're both here, angel."

You began to softly brush your fingers across her back and that, along with Mina's voice, helped her to settle down.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." She said as she held your little girl close, watching her eyes slip shut once more.

"We love you so much, darling." You said softly as you kissed the baby's head.

"More than anything in this world," Mina whispered as you curled up to her without disturbing your little girl.

You just laid there, spending time with her as she slept soundly.

It was quiet and intimate.

It was everything you'd ever dreamt of.

It was perfect.

You just laid there awake with your girls, wishing these moments would never end as your heart swelled with love, feeling happier than ever.

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