break up prank gone wrong - part two (requested)

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I'm sorry this took me so long but I just finished writing it and I know you've all been waiting so long and so patiently for it, so here you go, lovelies!


When Mina arrived at the hospital, she didn't even bother to see if she'd parked properly in the parking spot before she ran through the sliding doors.

She had her phone with her but the whole way here, she never heard anything else from anyone working here, and she wasn't sure whether that was good or bad at this point.

In a panic, she began to plead for an update with the nurse that had just exited the doors that she'd have to get through to go see you.

"My girlfriend was just rushed here. Someone called and said she was in an accident. I need to know that she's okay. Please let me know that she's okay!" Mina said breathlessly and tearfully.

"Take a deep breath, honey. Calm down. Tell me her name."

Providing the nurse with your first and last name, Mina began to anxiously bite her lip so hard that it nearly bled.

"Okay, come with me." The nurse said as she got out of her seat and opened the doors to go back once more, this time with Mina hurrying behind her.

"Is something wrong? Is Y/N okay?" She asked and with every step she took, part of her wondered if she needed to prepare herself for the worst.

It broke her heart to think about it because she can't imagine losing you ever and especially after everything that just happened.

Losing you that way would cause Mina to never be able to forgive herself.

"Where are we going?" Mina asked as she and the nurse continued to walk down the halls, taking a few turns along the way.

Until the nurse came to a stop in front of a door.

"I thought this would be better than me telling you."

Mina didn't know if the nurse meant that in a good way or a bad way.

But when the door opened, she saw you laying in a hospital bed across the room and she watched your head turn before your eyes met her teary ones.


Mina's knees almost gave out on her as she ran into the room and hurried over to you.

"You're alive! You're okay!" She sniffled as she threw her arms around you, only to hear you wince.

"Define okay." You mumbled as she pulled away.

"Did I hurt you?" Mina questioned as a look of guilt and worry appeared on her face.

"Not bad, I'm okay. The pain was worth it because I love your hugs so much."

She smiled and collapsed onto the chair beside your bed.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she grabbed your hand.

"Are you okay?" You spoke in return and she breathed out a long and heavy breath.

"Honestly? No. I felt like I was gonna have a heart attack when I got the news and walking around the hospital with the nurse to your room here made me feel like I was going to puke or pass out. I didn't know what to expect."

A quiet and weak chuckle fell from your lips but when Mina watched you smile a little, she felt a huge weight lift from her shoulders.

"How about you, baby? Are you okay?"

"I dislocated my shoulder, I have whiplash, and my wrist is broken. But I'm okay otherwise. I got lucky, I guess. My car, however? A whole different story."

"I can buy you a new one." She said, kinda joking yet kinda serious at the same time.

You couldn't help but laugh and you shook your head while doing so, causing another wince to fall from your lips.

A few seconds of silence hit the air before Mina spoke once more.

"Baby?" She quietly spoke.

"Yes, my love?"

"Do you hate me?"

"What?" You asked. "Mina, why would you ever think I'd hate you?"

"Because I'm the one that made you get in an accident. It's my fault." She said as she lowered her head.

"No, you didn't." You said. "It was an accident and you're not the cause of it."

"But I pulled that stupid prank on you and,"

"And nothing!" You interrupted. "Mina, listen to me. I've pulled pranks on you before. Of course, I was upset but only because I got scared and my feelings were a little hurt. I'm just happy that I'm alive and not hurt as bad as I could've been and I'm so happy and so thankful that you're here with me."

She smiled a little as she brought her hand to your lips.

"I love you so much, Mina. I could never hate you."

"Good. Because I love you too and I was so scared that I might've lost you."

"Well, you didn't. You're stuck with me. You have no choice but to love me and stick with me until we've got grey hair, grandkids running around, and we turn one hundred."

"I like the sound of that." She giggled as she kissed your hand again.

"Me too." You said. "I'm okay, Mina. I'll be better in no time."

"I know. You're tough."

You nodded and then tapped your lips, waiting for her to kiss you.

And, after a second, she got up from the chair and gave you a kiss on your lips.

"I promise I'll do whatever I can to make you feel better." She said as she played with your fingers.

"You being here for me makes me feel much better, baby. You're all I need."

Her eyes lit up as you stared at each other, both of you feeling so happy and so thankful that you'd be okay in no time.

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