insecure (requested)

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Mina's phone chimed once more as a text from Dahyun came through. She was curious as to where the two of you were at and how much longer you'd be before you met them down at the restaurant, where they were impatiently waiting for you.

Mina sighed and looked to the bathroom door that was still closed. You're taking your time and usually, Mina wouldn't complain or rush you. But her stomach is growling today and you've been in there for a few minutes while the girls are just waiting on the two of you now.

"Baby," she sighed and, without a second thought, turned the knob to the bathroom door before walking inside. "Are you almost ready to go?"

You only gasped and Mina realized you weren't dressed yet. Your dress was on the floor and your body was bare. You quickly covered your body by hugging your arms to your chest.

"I-I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to intrude." She said before frowning. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, fine. I just don't want you to see my body."

She frowned worriedly.

"I-I don't like my body, the way it looks. You've never seen me like this and I don't want you to feel the same way I do about my body."

She was torn between walking out of the room to allow you some privacy. The last thing she wanted was to make you uncomfortable or to make you feel like she didn't respect your privacy, or you.

But another part of her was concerned, crushed to hear you speaking about yourself like that.

"Can I come to you?" She asked, giving you the opportunity to tell her you wanted her to leave the room so you could change in private.

But you could only nod and she stepped closer to you, slowly, until she finally stood in front of you.

"You don't like your body?" She asked in shock, confused as to why you didn't.

"No." You mumbled and stared down at your bare feet until she hooked her fingers under your chin to make you look p at her. One hand rested gently on your cheek, the other pushed your hands away to uncover your body so she could see you.

"You're so beautiful."

"You're just saying that because you're my girlfriend."

"No." She spoke softly, staring into your eyes with a sweet gaze. "I'm not just saying that. I mean it wholeheartedly. You are so beautiful. I hate that you don't see what I see, that you don't like your body. Because you deserve to love yourself, your body. Everything about you is so beautiful, y/n and I'm not just saying that; I mean it with every ounce of my being.z"

You felt tears in your eyes. They weren't ones of sadness that you'd usually feel while being so vulnerable or confessing something so deep and personal, a thought so unkind that's been drilled into your brain and you can't change.

The shame that you feel when you stare into the mirror while bare is usually inexpressible. But Mina, with the way she was looking at you and her sweet words and affection, made you feel differently.

The tears in your eyes now were tears of happiness, like you found what you've been searching for; someone to pour your deepest and darkest thoughts and fears into, only to be brought into indescribably comforting and loving arms in return, with the assurance and promise that you're loved just the same, if not more, now.

"You make me feel beautiful." You confessed and she smiled before pecking your lips.

"You are beautiful, my girl, inside and out and I'm so lucky to have you. I know it's not easy to love yourself, but I want you to try. We'll work through it together. I'll shower you with love and compliments every chance I get, even more so than I do now. Okay?"

You giggled as she began to pepper kisses across your face.

"I love you."

"I love you, y/n. I love every piece and part of you. I want you to love you, too."

"I'll try." You mumbled and she nodded with a sweet smile before bringing you in for a hug.

"Good. Now, put on that beautiful dress, my beautiful girl. I'll wait out there for you."

you nodded and watched her walk out of the room before you took a deep breath and pulled on the dress, only to find that you couldn't zip it on your own.

"Mina?" You said as you walked out of the bathroom and watched her eyes light up and her jaw practically hit the floor when you stood in front of her. "Can you help me zip it?"

She didn't hesitate to help you, but she also didn't hesitate to shower you with love afterward. She hugged you close and gave you a sweet kiss.

"You take my breath away."

And you just smiled and took her hand before slipping on your shoes and walking out the door, feeling beautiful and looking absolutely breathtaking to your girlfriend, who wouldn't ever stop reminding you just how wonderful and worthy you are.

Mina Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now