when she collapses in your arms (requested)

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Sitting on the floor of the girls' practice room, you watched them dance around as they work hard on nailing every step of the choreography.

It hasn't been that long since they had their last comeback but they've been working hard on their upcoming one for a couple of months now regardless.

They're tired, of course.

But they're working hard and preparing for everything coming up nonetheless.

"Can we take a break?" Tzuyu asked. "Just for a minute."

Her eyes were on Mina, as were yours.

You noticed that your girlfriend didn't look right.

"I think something's wrong with Mina," Tzuyu worriedly said.

You quickly stood up and hurried over to your girlfriend.

You gently put your hands on her shoulders and rubbed them comfortingly as she began to noticeably feel funny.

"Mina, baby, what's the matter?"

"I don't feel good." She mumbled. "I'm nauseous, my head hurts, and the room feels as if it's spinning." She explained as she started to breathe unevenly.

"Sit down, sit!" Jeongyeon said as she and the girls stared at their friend in concern.

"Come on, baby. Sit down." You softly spoke as you tried to help her sit on the floor.

But she shook her head and started to feel a rush of lightheadedness, making everyone panic.

"I'm dizzy." She said weakly. "Y/N, I think I'm gonna pass out."

Before you or the girls could do or say anything, her eyes rolled back and you put your arms around her just in time to catch her as she fainted.

"Mina!" Chaeyoung gasped.

"Mina? Baby?" You spoke as you gently laid her on the floor. "Come on, my love. Open your eyes. You're okay."

"Should we call an ambulance? Does she need to go to the hospital?" Nayeon panicked. "What if she doesn't open her eyes? What do we do?"

A second later, Mina stirred and she opened her brown eyes, staring into yours.

"Hey, baby. There you are. We were all so worried about you! Are you okay?"

You caressed her forehead softly, brushing back the hairs that clung to her sweaty skin.

"What happened? Why am I on the floor?"

"You fainted." You reminded her with a frown.

You were hesitant for her to sit up but she insisted and slowly sat up with your help.

"I still feel dizzy and sick."

"I'm calling for an ambulance." Dahyun said as she grabbed her phone and called for help with shaking hands.

You knew she was probably just overworked, exhausted, hungry, and a little dehydrated.

All of those things were terrible to ignore and just simply try and push through but when it's all of the above and combined, it's going to make you feel lousy.

You knew that's all it was but you were worried about your girl and you wanted a confirmation for your concerns.

So you agreed that going to the hospital wasn't such a bad idea.

"Take it easy, my love." You said before kissing her head. "It's alright."

"I don't know why I fainted." She said as she closed her tired eyes. "Do you think I'm sick?"

She looked a little frightened.

You could see it in her eyes and it broke your heart.

"No, babe. I think you're just pushing yourself too hard. You have to take care of yourself. Right now you're overwhelmed and not sleeping much. That needs to change."

"It's hard to do when I'm under so much pressure." She sighed. "There's so much going on and so much to do. It's just getting the best of me right now."

"We're always here for you, Mina." Jihyo reminded her, squeezing Sana's shoulder soothingly.

"If you need to take a step back for a few days, that's okay. Your health comes first. We just want you to be happy." Sana said.

Mina looked at her friends as she put her head on your shoulder, knowing that she'd have to take a few days to rest before she'd feel better and up to preparing for the comeback again.

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