I like it (requested)

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"Baby, do you want to see something?" You asked Mina as you got back into bed with her.

"Sure. What is it?" She asked as she set her phone down, giving you all of her attention.

"Okay, so I was scrolling through my camera roll earlier and I found some pictures of us. Look."

You handed your phone to her and watched her swipe through the pictures on your phone with a bright smile on her face.

Even though you rarely ever publicly share the photos you take together, Mina is tempted to share some of them at times.

She's proud to call you hers and she loves the photos you take together.

Some of them are cute, such as the one she was looking at now that Momo snuck one day and sent you to.

It was when you were curled up together in the studio, sharing kisses and laughter about whatever was going on that day.

It was precious.

Some of the photos you took together were goofy, such as the next picture she saw which was a selfie you took together with your tongues out and making funny faces in the next.

She loves them so much.

She loves you so much.

"Those are cute." She smiled.

"I'm going to grab some water real quick. I'll be right back." You said, kissing her cheek.

You didn't think of taking your phone with you, though Mina did hold it out for you to take.

So when you left the room and she still had your phone in her hand, she shrugged her shoulders and decided to scroll through more of your photos to see what else you had on your camera roll.

It consisted of pictures of you and Mina, just Mina, you with the girls, your friends, or just you.

Mina saw quite a few photos that she loved that she wanted you to send her so she could possibly post them later on or just keep to herself and look at them when she feels lonely or down.

But, suddenly, she swiped to your newest picture and she was surprised by what she saw.

It was you in just some sexy lingerie.

There wasn't much left to the imagination, you could basically see every inch of your body, and Mina loved it.

It was in her favorite color and you looked so good in it.

"So? See any you want me to send you?"

"Yep. This one." She said as she showed you the photo.

You set the glass of water down on the nightstand and took your phone from her before going wide-eyed over the photo on the screen.

"You weren't supposed to see that." You said as you sat down.

"You were going to hide it from me? Forever?"

You nodded.

"Why?" She frowned.

"I don't know. I guess I'm a little embarrassed by it." You confessed.

"By that photo? Baby, you shouldn't be. You look so hot."

Her words brought a little smile to your face, though they didn't make you feel completely better.

"I guess I've just never worn anything like that around you and I didn't know if I liked the way I looked in it. I've been meaning to delete it."

"You can't delete it without sending it to me first." She said seriously. "I mean it. I want it."


"Because I like it. Baby girl, you don't even know how beautiful you are. You're just so sexy." She said before she leaned in and began to kiss your neck. "I want you to go back to the store and buy that for me. I want that photo. I'm going to set it as my background."

That would be okay if she wasn't so famous and people weren't so intrusive.

So, at the thought, you went wide-eyed yet again.

"I'm kidding." She chuckled. "But I do want that photo. It's hot."

She laid you down on the mattress and hovered over you before she began to kiss your chest.

"You're hot, my love."

You smiled and laid your head back, basking in the bliss that came with every brush of her lips against your skin.

"You mean it? You really like it?"

"Of course I mean it, darling. I absolutely love it." She said as she put her hand on your cheek. "I don't like it just because it doesn't leave much to the imagination," She paused, wiggling her eyebrows causing you to giggle. "But I like it because of how pretty you look and it reminds me of how incredibly lucky I am to call you mine. You take my breath away with your beauty, baby."

"Thank you." You said.

"You can thank me by sending it to me."

ou reached for your phone again, only for her to stop you.

"In a bit. For now, I just want to kiss you."

"Then kiss me, Mina." You said and just like that, her lips were on yours and her fingertips were brushing against your skin as you began to make out.

Mina Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now