we'll get through it together

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The sound of the front door slamming shut downstairs made Mina jump from her spot on the bed.

She's got the day off but got busy going through new lyrics for the comeback that was quickly approaching and has spent some time going through social media, seeing what fans were up to.

It wasn't a big deal. You were at work, which is why Mina was so startled over the slamming door when you're not supposed to be home for hours.

She got up from the bed and peeked around the staircase, where she found you at the bottom of the steps grumbling to yourself as you kicked off your shoes.


You lifted your head at the sound of her voice, looking her way with a frown on your face and watching as she rushed down the stairs to you.

"You're home early."

"Yeah." You mumbled. "I'm gonna be spending lots of days at home now. I lost my job."

Her eyes went wide and she followed you to the couch, where you plopped down and buried your head in your hands.

"What happened? Why would they fire you? You're one of their best workers."

"Yeah, well, not anymore. My coworkers have been really harsh towards me lately. Now they're taking credit for everything I do and I'm the one that's 'slacking off"." You sighed and she reached over to rub your back comfortingly. "I don't know what I'm gonna do now."

"Hey," she whispered softly and you turned to look at her.

She scooted as close as she could possibly get to you before reaching out to lay her hand on your cheek.

"You know you're not alone. I'm here."

"I know." You smiled.

"Your boss and coworkers suck anyways. They've always treated you unfairly, always slacked off while you did all the work." She sighed, feeling a little upset just thinking about the unfair treatment you've suffered these last few months at your job.

"But, if you need help with things, you know I'm happy to help you. Whatever you need, whatever we have to do to get you through this, we'll do it together. You know I've always got your back."

You laid your head on her chest and sighed contentedly as she held you tight in her arms.

"I don't know what I ever did to deserve you."

She chuckled and rubbed your back.

"I love you. I know you're probably worried or afraid, but you've got no reason to be. Okay?"

"Okay." You smiled as you looked up at her, finding her gazing down at you with an adoring look in her eyes.

"And maybe it's not so bad. I have today off, it's only early afternoon, so we can spend the day together. And then I have another day off in a few days, so we'll be able to spend time together then. We need some quality time, don't you think?"

You nodded and moved to give her a kiss.

"Don't worry that pretty little mind of yours. I know you're probably unsure of where to go from here, but we'll figure it out together, every step of the way I'll be by your side and help you through it in whatever way you need me to. But, for now," She trailed off and stood up before taking your hand and tugging you up the stairs.

She moved the lyric sheets out of the way before gently pushing you onto the bed, where she hovered over you and peppered your face with kisses, hoping to make you smile.

She succeeded, watching with a smile on her face as your eyes lit up.

You know that the reason you got fired is absurd but maybe it's not so bad after all. Not if you get to soak in moments like these with Mina.

You deserve better. Things will get better. But through it all, no matter what, you know you've got Mina by your side to help you and hold you every step of the way.

Mina Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now