busted (requested)

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You couldn't help but grin when Mina opened the front door for the girls to come inside, their arms were instantly thrown around her as they all gave her a huge hug.

They've only been apart for three days, so they could all catch up and get some rest after working so hard for so long, but they missed each other like crazy nevertheless.

They're over for dinner tonight before they return back to practice early in the morning and you and Mina have been so excited about all of you being able to sit down and hang out for a few hours together.

"Come in!" Mina grinned and closed the door after all the girls were inside.

"Y/N!" Nayeon rushed to you, happily throwing her arms around you to hug you tight.

The rest of the girls followed and made sure to give you a big hug, telling you just how much they've missed you, too.

"It's so nice to be able to hang out again, all of us together!" Jihyo said as she was the last to hug you. "I'm really excited."

"Us too." Mina smiled as she walked up behind you, her lips brushing against your shoulder blade as you finished up the last of the food.

"So, how did you two spend the time off? See any good movies? Catch up on sleep?" Sana wondered as she grabbed some water, taking a few sips of the cold drink.

"Just hung out," Mina said as she looked at you, biting at her lip as she thought back to your time together. "Caught up on some much-needed quality time."

"That's nice!" Jeongyeon said, turning her attention to Dahyun. "How about you? What'd you do?"

As the girls started to chat about their activities over the last few days, which mostly involved catching up on sleep, you started to get warm.

With your mind focused on your friends and finishing up cooking dinner, you couldn't seem to remember why you put on Mina's hoodie.

"Can you help me take this off, babe? I'm hot."

"I know you are." She smirked and kissed your cheek before helping you out of her hoodie as a giggle escaped her lips while you playfully rolled your eyes.

She put it on the back of one of the chairs for the time being before you stirred the food while Mina put her arms back around you.

"So, what all are we eating tonight? It smells delicious." Chaeyoung said and stepped closer to you to see what was in the pans on the stove, almost drooling over how good it smelled and looked.

She turned back to you, about to compliment you about how great of a cook you are, only for the words to slip from her mind when she saw your neck.

"Oh, wow." She said and the girls all looked at her.

"What is it?" Mina asked, staring at her friend in confusion.

"Nothing. It's just... that's a lot of hickeys on your neck, y/n."

You dropped the spoon in our hand and went wide-eyed.

"That's why you wore the hoodie!" Mina reminded you with big eyes.

You turned around as she grabbed her hoodie from the chair. She hoped she could get it over your head before the rest of the girls caught a glimpse of the love bites on your skin, but she wasn't fast enough.

"Wow!" Tzuyu laughed.

"Guess we know how you spent the last few days, huh?" Momo teased, playfully raising her eyebrows at you as your cheeks turned red.

When Mina pulled the hoodie over your head, you sighed in relief before burying your face in her shirt. The slight movement caused it to slip down her chest just slightly, enough to expose her hickeys on her collarbones and chest.

"Mina has them too!" Sana gasped before the girls all laughed together.

"Stop teasing. You're embarrassing my girl." Mina said as she rolled her eyes at her friends and held you tighter, her hand caressing your back.

"Don't worry about them, sweet girl. You should wear them pride; I know I will with mine."

You pulled away from her chest, playfully hitting her arm as your cheeks stayed red while you resumed cooking, the girls still laughing and teasing the two of you.

And you knew, with a long evening ahead, that they weren't planning to stop anytime soon.

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