she carries you to bed (requested)

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Mina yawned as she pulled into the driveway. She unbuckled her seatbelt and leaned back against her seat, arching her back as she stretched out for the first time in hours.

You've been on the road, driving home from your vacation together that you took over the weekend. You had the time of your life on those days with Mina; away from the rest of the world as you soaked in some much-needed quality time together.

You stayed up late each night, staring at the night sky and staring at the stars as you talked about anything and everything together. Stealing kisses, getting lost in sweet little make-out sessions, and holding each other's hand every chance you had.

It was all so perfect; better than you imagined it being, which said a lot since you knew it would be incredible to start off with.

You're home now, but you didn't notice considering the fact that you've been sleeping for the last couple of hours. You

made yourself cozy in the passenger seat; with soft music playing, the seat leaned back a little, and a blanket over your lap. Mina held your hand most of the way, only dropping it when you let go of hers in your peaceful slumber.

She gazed over at you and her heart melted over how sweet you looked. Sound asleep with your lips parted, you looked too cute for words and attempted to catch up on the sleep you lost during your busy weekend. She didn't have the heart to wake you.

So she got out of the car and unlocked the front door before coming back to you. You let out a few soft sounds as she kissed your head lovingly before placing her hands beneath your thighs and picking you up to carry you inside.

She slammed the car door shut, but you didn't wake up. You just dropped your head onto her shoulder, feeling as though you were floating on a cloud as you slept soundly.

Once inside, she kicked the door closed with her foot and headed for the stairs. She took them slowly, taking them one at a time so she wouldn't trip and fall and risk hurting you.

You opened your eyes when she reached the top step. Gazing up at her, you hummed tiredly as you met her bright and big brown eyes.

"Hey, sleepyhead. Go back to sleep. We're almost to bed."

You just nodded sleepily and yawned as you dropped your forehead against her shoulder and drifted off to sleep once more.

You only woke up again when Mina gently laid you down in bed. Your back hit the soft mattress and though it felt like you were still floating on a cloud in the comfort of your bed, her arms were no longer around you and you felt a little cold.

You opened your eyes just as Mina went to kiss your temple and sneakily, you moved so her lips would hit yours instead.

"Oh, hi, my love." She chuckled and then began to caress your cheek. "I'm sorry I woke you again. You can go back to sleep."

"No, I can't. Not until you lay down with me." You mumbled and patted her side of the bed, wordlessly telling her to lay with you.

"I have to unload the car, baby."

"No." You whined. "I don't need anything. We don't have anything going on tomorrow, so let's just unpack in the morning and cuddle until we fall asleep."

She thought about protesting, telling you that she just wanted to get it done and over with. But you've been in the car most of the day since the vacation had been by going on a road trip a few hours away.

Your bed was calling her name and she was pretty tired herself. So she kicked her shoes off and laid down beside you, covering you both with the blanket that was left at the foot of the bed.

You moved into her arms, laying your head on her chest. When you closed your eyes and heard her heartbeat in your ears, you felt her arms tighten around you and her head fall onto yours.

"I love you so much."

"Love you too, Mina."

"And I'm sorry our vacation was so short. Only a couple of days long. I wish it could've been longer."

"I had the time of my life those couple of days though." You said and managed to open your heavy eyes to gaze up at her. "I just love being with you. That's all that matters to me. We'll have another vacation soon enough, I'm sure. Just know that this one was perfect to me."

She smiled sweetly at you and cupped your cheek gently before leaning in to kiss you.

"I love you." You repeated, making her smile once again.

"I love you lots." She said as she brushed the tip of her nose against yours for a sweet eskimo kiss.

You fell asleep soon after, curled up in each other's arms as you slept soundly and dreamt about each other and the next vacation that you hoped you'd get to take together soon.

Mina Imagines (gxg) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora