coming out to her as asexual (requested)

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"Why do you seem so nervous, baby?" Mina asked with a worried gaze as she stared at you, her thumbs brushing across your knuckles in comfort as you sit in silence beside her.

You told her you have something important to talk to her about and she can't seem to figure out what it would be that would make you feel so anxious.

You're a couple of months into your relationship and it's starting to get serious.

Tonight, for the very first time, you're staying over at her place and you're not sure exactly what she has in mind during it, which is why you feel as though you need to get the truth off of your chest now.

The only problem is, you're struggling to say it.

"Tell me whatever is on your mind, my love. I'm listening, I promise."

When you only took a shaky breath in, she let go of one of your hands to gently lift your chin. Your eyes locked with her big brown ones and she sent you a small smile before kissing your cheek lingeringly.

"Talk to me."

"I just feel like since we're getting serious, I need to tell you something I haven't told you and it makes me nervous."

"Don't be nervous. It's only me, my love."

"Okay." You said before taking a deep breath. "Mina, I'm asexual."

She nodded for you to continue.

"So, I don't feel sexual attraction much or feel the desire for sexual activity, if I ever feel it all. It's nothing against you, it's just who I am."

"Okay." She said, smiling brightly at you.

This caught you off guard.

"Okay? That's it?"

"What do you mean?"

"You don't think of me differently?"

"No. Why would I?"

You shrugged your shoulders wordlessly and she let out a sigh before stroking your cheek.

"This hasn't gone so well for you before, has it?"

You shook your head.

"My love, I am not with you for that reason. I adore everything about you. I don't care about that. If that's not something you feel, that's okay. It doesn't make me feel uncomfortable or bored or anything. I'm crazy about you. You not wanting to be sexual doesn't change that. I'll adore you just the same."

You started to smile and Mina breathed out a sigh of relief before she put her arms around you to bring you in for a hug.

"You're okay, baby. We're okay. You being asexual doesn't change a thing and it never will. I'm sorry if people looked at you differently because of that, but that's not me and it never will be. I promise."

"You're amazing." You sighed in relief, holding her a little tighter. "How'd I get so lucky? What'd I ever do to deserve you?"

"You're the amazing one, baby." She said as she rubbed your back, knowing that, despite only being with you for a couple of months, she was falling in love with you; every single thing about you.

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