again (requested)

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"Is this where my girls are?" Mina asked as she knocked on your little girl's bedroom door.

As soon as she stepped into the room, your daughter's eyes flew open and she excitedly pushed the covers away to get out of her bed and run to Mina.

You've spent the last twenty minutes or so trying to convince your daughter to fall asleep and she was just about to do that before Mina came in, which means you'll most likely have to start the process all over again.

But that's okay.

It's impossible to get upset with Mina for that when you get to watch a moment to watch how amazing of a mother she is to your little girl.

She's been an amazing mom from the day your little girl entered your lives about four years ago and she always makes time for you both, but with her crazy schedule, sometimes she gets home later than she wants.

So moments like these are special to all three of you.

"How was my little angel today?" Mina asked as she picked your daughter up. "Were you good for mommy?"


"Good." Mina smiled and kissed your daughter's forehead a few times, making the four-year-old giggle happily.

"Okay, I hate to ruin the moment, but someone needs to get to bed. It's past your bedtime." You said.

"Why don't I get her to bed? I'll sing to her or read her a story and you can go relax." Mina said as she noticed just how exhausted and unwell you still looked.

Her suggestion would be great for all three of you; allowing you a little time to lay down in bed for a few while your daughter and Mina get some quality time together.

"Thank you, baby." You said as you got up.

You ran your fingers through your little girl's hair and kissed her cheek softly.

"Goodnight, honey. I'll see you in the morning. Have sweet dreams and I love you."

"Love you, mommy," She said as you walked out of the room.

You collapsed onto the bed with a heavy sigh.

For the last two days, you've been feeling awful.

You've been vomiting, having intense hot flashes, pounding headaches, and sleeping as much as possible.

Sadly, that last part hasn't been easy to accomplish when Mina has been working a lot, although she's been only going into the studio or practicing for a couple of hours here or an hour there due to you being sick.

The exhaustion you've felt has been hard for you to cope with at times since, even though Mina's home with you a lot to care for you, your little girl is just as attached to you as she is Mina and she doesn't understand why you can't be by your side as much as she could just a week ago, before this all hit.

You and Mina figured it was just a stomach bug or something, although you have wondered why she and your daughter haven't caught it.

Not a single symptom.

But then, you remembered that you haven't taken a test since the last appointment you and Mina had with the doctor, and you took one when Mina left to go to the studio.

And that's how you found out exactly what's causing you to feel so miserable.

You knew you had to tell Mina about it but as the minutes ticked by without her in the room and the silence lingered in the air, you felt your eyes get heavier and heavier until you started to drift off to sleep.

You only awoke when Mina placed her hand on your forehead, checking yet again to see if you felt feverish, which you still didn't.

"Hi, darling," She smiled. "I'm sorry I woke you. I was just checking on you."

"It's okay." You said as you sat up. "Is she asleep?"

"Yeah. Out like a light." Mina smiled as she carefully put her arm around you to be close to you after she laid down. "Are you okay? I know I wasn't gone long but were you sick while I was out?"

"No." You said. "Actually, I found something out while you were at the studio."

"You did?" She asked. "What's that?"

"I know why I'm sick."

She sat up and gazed at you, looking a little relieved that you knew the answer.

"I'm happy to hear that. What is it?"

You sat up and took her hands into yours, gazing at her with a look of nervousness yet excitement.

"I think we've been so busy lately with her and life that we forgot about something."

She furrowed her eyebrows and you chuckled a little before letting go of her hands to reach into the drawer of your nightstand, where you put the test.

Pulling it out, you took a deep breath before saying the words you'd been hoping you'd get to say again soon.

"I'm pregnant again." You said as you put the test in her hand.

"Again?" She asked as she stared at the positive pregnancy test in her hand and then back at you with big eyes.

She took it in, staring at the test for a long moment as it hit her that soon, you'd be having another baby together, just as you've both been hoping for.

"Baby, this is amazing!" She excitedly said.

You watched as her eyes started to fill with tears as the joy she felt flooded over her.

"It's happening again! I can't believe it!" She squealed as she pulled you into her arms.

"I'm so excited, Mina," You said as you held onto her. "We're having another baby."

Thinking about another little human entering your lives and making it just as wonderful as your daughter has made you both tear up.

"I think we're going to have to tell someone tomorrow that she's going to be a big sister," Mina said as you pulled away. "She's going to be so happy!"

You put your forehead against Mina's, wondering how on earth you got so lucky to have a beautiful little family with this woman, who you continue to fall in love with even more each day.

"Are you ready for the journey to start all over again?" You asked Mina and watched her smile brightly.

"I'm so ready. I know you can't be that far along just yet but I'm so ready, I wish we could fast forward time so we could meet them tomorrow."

You chuckled as she put her hand on your stomach.

"We're having another baby." You whispered as it began to sink in.

"We are." She grinned. "I promise, I'll be by your side every step of the way. We'll do it together, just as we did the first time around, and just as we will next time too."

"Don't get too far ahead of yourself." You laughed, making her do the same.

"I can't wait to meet you." She quietly spoke as she gazed at your stomach. "It might be a while still but the wait will be worth it. We already love you so much."

She ran her hand across your stomach as you put your cheek on her shoulder and listened to her excitedly talk about how happy she was to be having another baby with you and how perfect your beautiful growing family will be.

Mina Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now