you have morning sickness (requested)

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Mina rubbed your back comfortingly as you laid as still as you possibly could beside her.

She's got the curtains closed to keep all of the light out of the room.

You're completely exhausted these days and spend most of the days sleeping... when you're not vomiting, that is.

And it seems like you're starting this morning off like you've started most of them over the last week or two - with morning sickness.

It pains her to see you so sick. She's even taken a few weeks off so she can stay home and take care of you for a while.

Of course, she hasn't told the company. The only people that know right now are the girls and her closest family members, as well as yours.

But the girls helped sway JYP into letting her have some time off, telling everyone it's just better for her mind to be taking some time off right now, which isn't untrue.

She continued to stare at you with sad eyes. She felt tired. It's only going on six am and she hasn't slept much over the last few nights.

She's busy on her phone looking over adorable baby things and researching things that are safe and unsafe for you and the little human inside you.

But she's wide awake regardless of how tired she might feel. She's too focused on you to even think about closing her eyes for even a second right now.

You groaned and slowly got up, taking some deep breaths as you kept your eyes tightly closed.

You're not sure why you keep trying to swallow back the sick feeling or why you try to keep hope that it won't end with you throwing your guts up when you know it's only going to end one way.

As much as you wanted to, you couldn't fight the sick feeling any longer and you got out of bed with a groan.

Mina followed you into the bathroom and knelt on the floor behind you as you began to throw up.

She gently pulled your hair back for you. She kissed the back of your neck and then your shoulders, trying to soothe you through it with kisses and comforting words, like always.

And although that always helps, you still feel terrible as you throw up again and again.

"That's good, baby. Keep letting it out." She comforted and you groaned in response, throwing up yet again afterward.

It took a few minutes for you to feel okay.

And even after that, you didn't leave the bathroom for a few more.

You just leaned against Mina with your back against her chest and your head back against her shoulder and your eyes closed.

You didn't want to get up yet.

Some mornings you're done for a while after you throw up, some you go back to bed and end up having to get right back out of bed and into the bathroom to throw up more.

So you kept your eyes closed as Mina held you, her lips brushing against the crown of your head while her fingertips brushed along your arms.

"I want to go back to bed." You mumbled a few minutes later.

"Think you're feeling okay to?"

You nodded tiredly.

"Okay. Let's get you to bed then, baby." She said before getting up and helping you stand.

She helped you into bed and under the blankets.

She draped them up to your shoulders to keep you warm, hoping you wouldn't get more hot flashes so you could stay this cozy and warm for a while.

"Why do people say being pregnant is blissful? It doesn't feel very blissful." You grumbled as Mina laid beside you.

She giggled and stroked your cheek as she gazed at you adoringly, although you didn't notice because your eyes were closed.

"It'll get better, baby. It's okay that you don't find it very fun right now. But I think with time, as you get further along, you'll find it to be beautiful."

You just hummed quietly, letting her know you heard her.

She put her hand on your stomach. Despite there still being no noticeable sign of you being pregnant to other people, she can't get over knowing that the little human she adores is safe inside, and she feels this constant need to keep her hand there.

"Jihyo is right," she whispered as she stared at you, watching as you slept. "You're glowing." She smiled. "You get even more beautiful every day. I love you..." she paused and kissed your stomach. "Both of you."

She yawned before putting her head on the pillow, drifting back off to sleep as she listened to you breathe while keeping her hand on your stomach with no plan of pulling it away anytime soon.

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