you get in an accident (requested)

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Mina wiped the sweat from her forehead and tried to catch her breath as the music stopped. She's been busy in practice for most of the day so far and she can feel her energy draining slightly.

The girls started to talk and laugh as they planned on taking a break for a few minutes. Seeing that as the perfect time to grab some water and grab her phone to send you a text to tell you she was thinking of you, she walked across the room and took a few sips of the cold drink before reaching for her phone.

Her heart immediately began to pound against her chest when she saw the many missed calls from your phone and your best friend.

She had a sinking feeling in her stomach, her mind starting to race when she began to feel like something was wrong.

She dialed your phone but there was no answer, so she called your friend back, who greeted her through tears that she was obviously trying to hold back from Mina but felt so torn up about something that she couldn't hide them no matter how much she tried.

"What's going on? Is everything okay?" Mina blurted out nervously, only to hear your friend reply with one word that made her feel even more anxious.


"Is y/n okay?"

"No, Mina, she was in an accident. A really bad one."

Mina started to panic. She looked for her bag and started to gather her things as fast as she could.

"The driver was on their phone and they hit her car and she flipped over and," your friend paused and Mina felt the tears starting to sting her eyes. "She's not doing good."

"I'm on my way right now!" Mina said and quickly hung up the phone. She jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder and through the blur of her tears, she turned to find Jihyo standing there and the girls beginning to make their way to her.

"Everything okay?"

"N-No." Mina stuttered. "Y/N was in an accident. I missed all her calls and her friends' calls but I called her back and she said she's not doing well. I have to get to her."

The girls just nodded and watched her go while pleading for her to keep them updated on your condition as she ran out of the building. She got into her car and drove off to the hospital as fast as she could.

She finally arrived a few long and agonizing minutes later. She rushed inside and found your friend sat in the waiting room.

"Mina!" She yelled, catching Mina's attention.

She ran to your friend, quickly bringing her into her arms for a hug before pulling away.

"Have you heard anything?"

"Not yet but we should get an update soon." Your friend said.

"I feel awful about not answering." She said, ready to explain that she has to keep it turned on silent during practice. But your friend shook her head and gave her a reassuring squeeze of her shoulder.

She took a seat and tangled her fingers in her hair. She was anxious and desperate to hear something. She tried to tell herself that no news was good news, but when it came to you and you were obviously seriously hurt, she couldn't calm her mind down.

The hours passed by slow. They were filled with tears and sorrow. Mina wondered if the kiss goodbye she gave you earlier this morning and the words of love whispered against your lips would be the last time.

Thankfully, the doctor came out a little while later and walked her way.


She stood quickly with shaky hands and knees like jelly from her nerves.

"Yeah, that's me." She said. "Please tell me y/n is okay."

The doctor nodded.

"She will be after some recovery time. It's gonna be a long road. She had a broken leg, broken ribs, whiplash, some cuts. But she'll be okay. We had to get her into surgery but she'll be okay given some time and someone to take care of her."

"Trust me, I'll be right by her side every step of the way," Mina promised, sniffling quietly as her tears turned from sadness to relief.

She was undeniably afraid still but knowing you were still here and you were gonna be alright with some time, love, and care was enough to make the tears slow down.

"Could I see her?" She pleaded and the doctor nodded and led her to the elevator to go up to the floor you were on.

It felt like it was never gonna end, like she'd never reach your room. Her feet moved quickly and she only felt the weight on her shoulder lift when she reached your room and saw you lying in bed.

She rushed to your side and saw that your eyes were closed. She reached for your hand, careful not to bump the IV in your hand as she brought it into hers. Her grip was loose but she gave it a squeeze, wordlessly telling you that she was there with you.

Your eyelashes fluttered against your cheeks and she felt so relieved when she felt you squeeze her hand in return before you opened your eyes slowly.

"Oh, hey, baby." She smiled through her tears and brushed her thumb along your palm.

You were drowsy, still, a little knocked out from the surgery that they had to do for your leg. But you sent her a small smile and she found comfort in that.

"Are you hurting or anything?"

You shook your head.

"Good. You gave me quite the scare." She mumbled.

"I'm sorry, Mina."

"Shh." She shushed softly and shook her head. "Don't be sorry. It's okay now, everything's gonna be just fine. I'm just so happy you're okay. You're gonna heal up with some time. You know I'll be by your side to take care of you no matter what."

You smiled and squeezed her hand, making her heart flutter.

"What would I ever do without you?" You wondered and Mina couldn't help but smile sadly.

That's exactly what she's been wondering about you through the last few hours. Thinking the worst. She didn't know how to get by without you.

But now, she wouldn't have to wonder or worry and the thought brought her so much happiness and comfort.

"I love you." She whispered. "To the moon and back."

"I love you more."

She shook her head and kissed your palm before brushing her lips gently along your forehead and your knuckles.

"That's impossible." She said and watched you smile. It was only true. She loves you more than anything else and she'd forever thank her lucky stars that you're still by her side.

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