you protect her when she gets attacked by a sasaeng (requested)

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"This is going to be so great. Just you and me on vacation together for a whole week." Mina said happily as the car pulled up to the airport.

"I'm so excited." You said.

"Me too, baby." She smiled and kissed your lips before unbuckling her seatbelt.

You opened the door and heard the screams coming from the fans that were crowding around the airport.

You saw the flashing lights coming from the cameras as the reporters captured your' and Mina's every move every second.

It was already making you both feel a little anxious.

"Are you okay?" You asked as you brushed your thumb across her palm.

"Yeah. Let's just get this over with so we can enjoy our vacation." She said and you kissed her hand before getting out of the car.

She got out after you and grabbed the bags from the car before taking your hand into hers.

You began to make your way to the doors and with every step that you took together, it got more chaotic.

It was loud and bright from the fans and the cameras as you entered the airport.

And though neither of you really felt in the mood to be bombarded by fans and reporters, you both still remained polite.

Mina kindly bowed as she waved to everyone as people crowded around the two of you.

You kept walking, making your way toward the terminal with everyone surrounding you.

It wasn't easy but you saw where you were supposed to go from where you were, so you breathed a sigh of relief and felt confident that you'd make it there without any problems.

But that's not how things would end up.

A sasaeng had come here today and she was feeling anything but kind.

Suddenly, as you and Mina minded your own business and walked closer to where you were supposed to go, the sasaeng grabbed her by her hoodie and pulled her back.

It was sudden and forceful and Mina ended up falling on the floor because of it.

She rubbed her elbow and winced in pain before she tried to stand up, only for the sasaeng to begin screaming at her.

"I just want your attention, Mina!" She said. "I've been waiting to see you for so long now. I've been following you around but you never notice me. I love you, don't you see that?"

She pulled out her camera, recording every second.

"I just love you and want you to be mine. Please!"

Mina stood up, only for the sasaeng to scream in frustration and push her onto the ground.

Mina fell back and groaned in pain.

You didn't waste a second in protecting your girl, feeling completely unafraid as to what might happen to you.

As long as she was okay, that's all that you cared about.

"Mina!" You screamed.

You pushed the sasaeng off of her and helped Mina stand up before stepping in front of her.

"It's alright, baby. No one's going to hurt you. I won't let them." You promised as you stared down the sasaeng.

She took a few steps closer to you, only for you to scream at her.

"Just go! You've done enough harm already!"

She scowled at you, seething with anger.

"I'm not scared of you. Do you want to try me? Come on, I dare you. But you are not getting to Mina. I will not allow it."

"Stop getting in my way!" She screamed at you.

"Try me, come on. Make my day. But I'm warning you right now, there isn't anything I won't do to keep her safe from people like you. If you want to leave on your own, you should go now. If you'd like to leave in handcuffs or in an ambulance, you can test me. Your choice."

She huffed in anger before walking away, exiting the airport in a fury.

You turned to Mina and brought her into your arms as she trembled and sniffled.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a little shaken up." She said as she held onto you tight. "Thank you for protecting me."

"Baby, I will always protect you. I promise I won't let anyone hurt you." You said as you rubbed her back.

She put her head on your shoulder and clutched you tightly.

"Are you hurt?"

"Just my elbow a little. I'll be alright. Can we just go?"

"Of course, baby. Come on." You said as you took her hand and went over to check in before boarding the plane a few minutes later.

She sat in the window seat while you had the aisle one, looking around everywhere just to be sure that no one was trying to make a move and hurt your girl.

You wouldn't allow it.

"Sasaengs scare me so much." She said.

"I know, baby. They scare me too, but only because I worry about you." You said.

"You were tough back there. I think you really scared her." She chuckled as she put her head on your shoulder.

"Good. She should be. Because there's nothing I won't do to keep you safe. I'm not scared of her or of anyone when it comes to your safety. I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe, darling."

She smiled and kissed your cheek.

"My hero."

You chuckled before kissing her head lovingly and rubbing her back.

"She won't ever hurt you again, baby. I promise."

"I know." She said as she closed her eyes, feeling more grateful for you than ever.

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