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Well you guys don't need to know what happened that night except Matt didn't go on his date after all. From then Matt and I have been having amazing sex. All the time. Of course that's when he's not acting like a total asshole.

I was currently hanging out with Jay. Matt left because he had work at the art museum, so I invited Jay over.

"I love your phone like its incredibly nice. What's it called", he asked.

"Its the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge. Its a new phone. I love it"

"Yeah I can tell. Your eyes are always glued to it"

I've been seeing videos of them searching for me and hanging up flyers. They even got a campaign for me called 'Help Finding Amber'

My mom and Aden are the head of the program, they started it. I feel disappointed to see them hurt like that, but they hurt me and I just had to escape that hurt. I'm never going back.

"So are you gonna let me...........you know", Jay smirked climbing on top of me.

"Really. That's really all you want from me and that's fine because that's all I want from you.", I stated.

"Well then I suggest we get to pleasuring each other"

He picked me up and sat me on the kitchen counter. We immediately began ripping each other's clothes off while our tongues explored one another.

I caressed his six pack while he caressed my thighs. A couple of minutes later all you heard was a bunch of moaning and movements.

I actually enjoyed it, even though it was rough sex, very rough. I guess he was right, 2 weeks ago when he said I won't be able to walk. I give him props.

After I cleaned up the kitchen Jay and I just chilled and played video games.

"You know what Am. I'm tired of sitting here. Let's do something fun"

"I was hoping you asked.", I said going to get my make up bag. I grabbed my ballerina key and opened it. I still kept my make up supplies in there, but I used it to hide the drugs.

"Oh well look what we've got here",

I pulled out the heroin and the ecstasy on the bed. Then I saw Jay pulled out a little pack of marijuana. We looked at each other, then laughed.

"We're about to get fucked up", I yelled.


I'm pretty sure we took at least half of the pills and all the heroin. I was out of it, like all the way out and so was Jay.

"Baby put all these back in your bag......I'll get us some more", he slurred. I staggered my way and put all the drugs in my bag and locked it. It took me a while because I couldn't see straight.

I then fell on the floor beside Jay and we both laughed.

"Shit I can't really breath", Jay said. We laughed and I hit him playfully.

"Well maybe you should hold your breath dumbass"

"You're so goddamn stupid. That's why I love you because you like to get high like me"

"I know right its fun."

The side effects were kicking in because we started hallucinating. Jay and I basically drank the whole kitchen of the water.

We were having pillow fights and chasing each other around the house. I ended up running outside and into the water.

Jay and I were making out in the pool under water. Somehow we fell asleep and the noddles were the only thing holding us up.

~Untamed LOVE ~Where stories live. Discover now