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I didn't even think twice. I put the heroin in my make up bag and locked it with the key Mrs. Smith gave me.

I snuck out and drove my way to the company. I was there in no time. This son of a bitch wants to play a game, then I'll play along with him.

It was now 6:30pm and the building was almost empty. I made my way to his office. This man had it set up like we were on a romantic date.

There was a two seat table and candles surrounded them. There was a rose sitting on it. I slowly made my way inside and closed the door.

"Hey beautiful", he said as he came from behind the door. He was about to hug me but I moved away. He was dressed in a tuxedo.

"Ok fine. So have a seat. You look very sexy right now", he said as he took a seat and gestured for me to sit. I slowly made my way and sat down.

"Tell me everything now!", I stated.

"Keep your voice low, it's already gone. Would you like some wine?"

"No", I stated but he ignored and poured the red wine into both glasses.

"Well I'm gonna get to the point. If you try anything, I'm gonna kill you", he stated pulling out a gun and loading it.

"So I did plan all of that to fuck you up and it worked! You see those 3 men, Gregg, Seth, and Keith were big help. Keith gave me the idea when he saw Aden at a jewelry store. He works there as a clerk"

He took a sip of his wine, then chuckled.

"Aden bought you a gift. It was a very expensive gift. Poor kid. Falling for a girl who doesn't give a shit about him"

"I do care for Aden"

"Shut up! The gift was a slave bracelet. He knows how much you likes them, you know the ring attached to the bracelet.", he stated touching my hand and I flinched.

"Well the gift holder was even more precious. It was designed with red roses and engraved with diamonds. The bright pink bow was real silk. How nice for the beautiful couple, Amen"

"You sick bastard. You fucking pig. I hate you", I stated and he took another sip of his wine.

"I love you though. I packed each gift and rounded up as much information I could. They were meant to be handed to each of you personally. Seth is a cop and he gave it to Detective Harris and Sanford. I found your little hiding spot and made copy of both keys."

Tears were about to fall from my eyes. I just wanted to grab the gun and kill him.

"That's very bad for the case, but good for me. Gregg filmed in Smith's Ballet Studio. You just didn't notice him. Keith went to Panama and gave Adam the gift."

"Why? Why would you want to do this to me?"

"Because I'm a sick bastard, remember! I had one more person left and that was Tiffany. I played a very good role. Oh yeah I'm pretty sure Aden got his. Very awesome frame game", he laughed as he drank the rest of the wine and poured himself another glass.

I then laughed and picked up my glass. I began to sip. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"I was playing the same game. Accept I played it way better than you. You thought I was out that day in the hospital when I overdosed. Brian Williams"

He looked shocked and angry. I continued to sip and tell my story.

"Yes and I had a companion who helped me so much. I got your file, Brian. I feel sorry for you because you did need help, just like me"

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