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"What about your mom's husband.", she asked interested to find out.

"My mom's husband.......

Tears began to form in my eyes, so I looked down and played with my nails until I managed to talk again.

"My mom loves him and I can't seem to let my dad go because I miss him, but I want her to be happy"

I can't push myself to do it and it's devastating because I'm outgoing and I'm a strong girl, but I can't...... I just can't.

"Oh honey that's fine. Your dad's legacy will live on forever, even if he's gone. You just have to take it slow, it will be just fine", she said embracing me in a hug. Mrs. Smith wasn't that older than my mother, she was 34. I always thought the both of them looked alike.

"Thank you so much mommy"

"You're welcome Sassy, any time. You can talk to me about anything and I mean that. I love you girly."

"I love you too."

It was now 5:00pm and I had to get home. Tommorow is party night!!!!!! I arrived home and decided to lay my outfit out. I'm so excited.

I locked my car and began to unlock the door to the house with my key. I loved both my cars.

"Mom, I'm home.", I shouted as I entered the house.

"Babe we're in the dining room"

The mansion was very huge and beautiful, I really loved it. I walked into the dining room to see both doing paper work, they could at least do it in their offices.

"Hey baby girl, how are you",Mark asked as I stood. He hides things, but I play along.

"I'm good. How are you guys", I asked in return.

"We're doing great. Business is going very well and the money just keeps coming. This is amazing", My mom stated. I've been living in luxury since I was born. The entire family has always been filthy rich.

I talked to them for a while and then ate dinner, then went upstairs to my room. Mark can be the sweetest person sometimes and sometimes he can be the most cruel person. How can you destroy another human being and make them miserable?

My dress was a maroon colored dress and it was a little bit above mid thigh and its neckline was heart shaped, which complemented my boobs. And I put on my diamond encrusted heels, they were open toe.

Every week, the girls and I have a full spa treatment where we get our nails and toes done by a very special nail designer. I love the designs, their beautiful and unique. My mother tags along. I also get my hair done, facial treatments, and massages. Its all apart of being a girl.

I have a private room of my own. My closet is huge, so behind all the clothes and shoes is a small door, that only I have a key to, my own little secret spot. That's where I go to be my true self. I practice ballet, draw, paint, and fiddle with my piercings, and I reminisce.

I locked my room door, grabbed my key, then went to my secret spot. I grabbed my ballet gear. I had my tutu from when I was little and my ballet flats, and many more stuff. I have completely grown out of my things.

I have won so many ballet competitions and have so many trophies, but I keep them in my secret spot, all my past life is in this room, but I like to call it the real me.

After all that, I left back to my room and took a long shower, then I did my stretches and went to bed.


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