Wild Party

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"Come on let's go.", I stated.

"We're just gonna leave our stuff here", she asked.

"Yeah we'll be back, but for now let's go", I said as I picked her up and began to walk to my car.

"Aden Grant put me down", she giggled. I put her down once I was at the car.

I unlocked the car and we immediately drove off.

"So why don't you have a girlfriend", she asked.

"I did have a girlfriend for a whole year until I found out she was only with me because my family was rich", I stated. I did love that girl, but that broke my heart once I found out she didn't love me.

"Awww I'm sorry. You deserve better than that.", she said as she put her hand on mine.

"Thanks so I don't want to run into this subject, but what happened to you after school that day. We don't have to talk about it if you feel uncomfo.."

"No I don't feel uncomfortable. I trust you.", she stated and that made me smile brightly.

"Well he found out that I was doing ballet because of the flyer I had on my bed. He took me home and beat me until I was weak....."

"Aww Am I'm sorry....

"Wait Aden if I tell you my whole story promise me you won't think any less of me"

"I promise. I would never think less of you. I'm ready to listen", I stated sincere. I need to know what happened to this girl and why she's so broken.

"Good. When I was 12 my dad died on the way to my ballet recital. I won the competition that day and I was wondering why didn't daddy show up? My mom told me later that day and I was devastated. From that moment I stopped doing ballet until now. I was already depressed and Mark made it worse when he entered the picture....

She did a long sigh and began to play with her nails.

"2 years after my dad died my mom married Mark Rowen. We moved into a huge mansion. Everything was perfect. I trusted him, then he started to beat me. When I was 14 he beat me for coming home late and then later that night...

Soon we arrived at our destination, but I wanted her to continue her story. I saw the tears in her eyes, so I parked the car and grabbed her hand.

"Later that night he came into my room and he raped me. He took my virginity and he didn't care. From that night on he continued to do those brutal things to me. The bad thing about it is my mother didn't even noticed what he was doing to me."

That filthy bastard! I didn't even know he rapes her. He deserves to rot in hell. I'm gonna help her, I'll save her from that hell hole.

"He apologizes all the time after he does it. I'm tired of it. I want to go so bad I really do, but I can't. I miss my dad so much. I just wish he would come back or take me with him to heaven. Aden I'm a messed up girl, I'm very messed up.", she said now breaking down into tears. I gave her hand a gentle squeeze. I was getting pissed. I wanted to kill this man.

"All of my kindness is taken for weakness. A person can only take so much. That man needs as much help as I do. Do you know he does heroin and that's when the beatings get very brutal. He said he would kill me if I told anyone. I'm so scared and I don't know what to do."

I got out the car and I took her hand and went to the backseat of the car. I held her tight as she cried in my arms.

"My mother is going to have his baby. My own boyfriend doesn't understand me. The only person that does is you. I'm happy I found you Aden", she said. That touched my heart.

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