Living With Mark

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"Amber you know that I'm 5 months pregnant so I will soon take some time off work."

I nodded my head for her to continue as I ate a scoop of pasta salad. My mother's baby bump has gotten bigger since its November.

"So I'm gonna go on my last business trip. I will be gone for a week starting tomorrow", she said and I stop eating. I look at both my mom and Mark, then swallowed my food.

"Why are you going so late, can you do it some other time. You're getting further into the pregnancy. Mom you have to be cautious about these things", I stated.

I was trying to convince her not to go because if she does go I'm gonna be alone with Mark. He's gonna be a hungry lion eager for prey and that prey is gonna be me!

"Amber we really appreciate the concern, but its not that big of a deal. She's only gone for 7 days", Mark stated.

I wanted to slap this man because I wasn't talking to him and he's ecstatic that my mom is leaving so he can have his way with me.

"Well mom can I go stay with Adam for that week. I really don't want to be stuck here in the house while you're gone. Pleeeaaseee may I go", I begged.

"No Amber. You have to stay here and take care of the house, like women do because I can't trust Mark with it", she giggled. I had a straight face because this is a serious matter.

"Yeah she's gonna stay here with m...."

"Can I be excused please", I interrupted Mark.

"Sure hone...."

Before she could finish her sentence I threw my fork on my plate and removed myself from the table. I ran upstairs to my room and I texted Aden.

My mom is leaving me with Mark for a week while she goes on a business trip- Me

No later than a minute Aden texted me back and I smiled brightly. Aden has been the person I've been the closest to. I still date Adam and we're on good terms, but I feel as if we're drifting apart.

We aren't together all the time like we usually are, but that's not my fault. Every since the party he's been very distant. I don't know what's going on.

And every time I talk to Aden about Adam he gets extremely infuriated, not just jealous anger, its something deeper. Then Aden tells me I deserve better.

But Adam had done nothing wrong and once again I'm left in a dark corner confused.

Come and stay with me. My parents don't mind. I want you to be safe- Aden

Thanks so much for the offer, but I can't. He will find me. I'll be ok. - Me

He then sent the sad face emojis. I know he cares for me, but Mark watches me.

.......... Ok but if I see one bruise on you, I swear to god there will be consequences and it won't be so pretty for that douche Mark.- Aden

Thanks for being so worried but you don't have too. I'm gonna see you tomorrow. - Me

I sent him the kiss and heart emojis and he sent them back in return. I then smiled brightly and put my phone down.

After a while, I showered and laid my outfit for school tomorrow.


I look and I saw Mark entering my room. Can he just leave me alone for tonight.

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