• ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 : 𝔇𝔢𝔰𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔢 𝔐𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔰 •

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• Chapter Twenty : Desperate Moves •

[••• ––– •••]

Unbelievably enough, the term had started again in a cold Monday morning of January. (Y/N) had just gone a whole night out in the Slytherin common room to hang out with the Slytherins and had woke up a little bit sluggish due to four hours of sleep only because Draco was so keen for her to stay than to go back to Harry.

By the time she had reached the Great Hall, it was already eight and she only had an hour to spend in eating and chatting to Luna and Cho. However, they weren't on the Ravenclaw table when she sat down. Even Hermione, Ron and Harry weren't there in the Gryffindor table, probably on their way to their classes already.

She searched around for the second time and eventually stopped on the sight of Andrew hurrying over to her. He had a grin on his lips as he sat down beside her.

"Hey!" he muttered cheerfully, placing his bag down on his feet. "Had a good holiday?"

"Great!" (Y/N) replied, smiling widely. "How about you?"

"It was good." said Andrew, pulling the bowl of strawberries and tipping some of it on (Y/N)'s plate. "Better than last year, anyway. And for some reason."

"If you mind... what was the reason?" the girl asked curiously, biting halfway through a piece of strawberry.

"Well... for one thing, the sweater you gave looked so good on me." said the boy, cocking his eyebrows while playing on his fork. "My mum complimented me by it. She told me that I looked better on that than my own sweaters."

(Y/N) laughed.

"That's saying something." she said. Her grin grew wider when she remembered something. "Your gift was pretty useful too, thank you so much. I can use it on polishing my broom."

For Andrew had gave her a broom polisher for all sorts.

"No problem." said the boy. He then began looking around again. "Where's — where's Harry?"

"Oh, I don't actually know, now that you mention it." said the Heather girl, looking up from her plate. "I didn't get to see him here. I woke up late, you see."

"Oh..." trailed Andrew, yet didn't pursue more of the topic. He instead pulled a jag of coffee, grabbed (Y/N)'s goblet and filled it for her. "I know you like coffee."

"Thanks." said (Y/N), sounding really amused that Andrew knew that certain information about her before she sipped on the coffee.

Andrew watched her as she filled her mouth with food, his face was in so much concentration. He needed to know... he needed to see...

"Hm." hummed (Y/N) as she smack her lips with the taste of the coffee. "It tasted a lot better. I guess the house-elves had done something to it."

Andrew nodded encouragingly, pulling his own goblet full of pumpkin juice.

"Yes, I guess so." he replied softly, eyes never left her grinning face.

Almost half an hour later, the two of them stood up from the Ravenclaw table to head for their Ancient Runes class. They stopped, however, when a boy in Gryffindor robes almost trampled right in front of them just outside the door of the Great Hall.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking —" said the boy hurriedly, standing on his feet and looking really apologetic. But when he realized who he had almost bumped into, he let out a yell of relief and engulfed the girl in a tight hug. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." he mumbled repeatedly, caressing her back. "I woke up so late and when I went up to your tower, I realized that you weren't there at all and so I ran over here. You must've been looking —"

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