• ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔉𝔦𝔳𝔢 : 𝔊𝔦𝔯𝔩'𝔰 𝔑𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔒𝔲𝔱 •

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• Chapter Five : Girl's Night Out •

[••• --- •••]

"Are you sure you don't want me to walk you in to Ravenclaw Tower?" asked Harry, closing the kitchen door behind him.

"No, it's alright, Harry." said (Y/N). "I've got to go down to the dungeons. You know, it's the first Saturday of the month. It's Girl's Night Out. And we've decided to be in Slytherin common room this time."

"Oh, right. Girl's Night Out." Harry repeated. "Can I come?"

(Y/N) snorted and laughed.

"Harry, it's Girl's Night Out." she said, emphasizing the word 'girl's'. "Obviously, boys aren't aloud. And -" she choked on her laugh. "- you are not a girl."

"Er - alright." mumbled Harry sheepishly. "Just thought of it..."

"I'll see you tomorrow, then?" said (Y/N) as she turned around to face Harry when they were in front of the stairs leading down to Slytherin common room. "It's Sunday. And we'll be in Ravenclaws."

"Okay." said Harry, pulling himself together. "I'll see you."

(Y/N) waved, traipsed down the stairs as Harry watched her retreating back with a contented smile resting on his lips.

When (Y/N) vanished on the stairs, he couldn't stop himself anymore, he raised his fist and punched the air.

"Yes!" he muffled a yell, afraid that someone was watching him, then jumped one time backward.

He couldn't seem to get over the fact that (Y/N) had agreed on going to Hogsmeade with him that he had restrained himself from yelling his joy in (Y/N)'s presence and instead, he suppresed this feeling and allowed it to go out when he was finally alone.

He turned around, still smiling, and started walking away from the kitchen door, now finding his way up to the seventh floor. However, halfway through the stairs of the basement, he abruptly halted. He had just remember something.

Furrowing his eyebrow in a sudden realization, he spun around and went back down at the basement.

[••• --- •••]

"There's the Heather girl."

(Y/N) walked in inside the cold Slytherin common room. It wasn't full of people except for three certain girls sitting in front of the fireplace. Pansy was sitting on one armchair, Cho on the other armchair, while Hermione was sitting down on the carpeted floor. Pansy, probably, drove the other Slytherins away from the common room so that they'll have it all to themselves.

"Where've you been?" asked Cho with a raised eyebrow. "I didn't see you at dinner."

"Just finished something." said (Y/N), tossing her bag on a nearby table, and sat down beside Hermione, who had a book resting on her lap. "And I had dinner at the kitchen."

Pansy raised her eyebrow, staring at (Y/N) suspiciously. The latter, however, failed to notice it when a soft fur brushed on her skin. Looking down, (Y/N) saw Crookshanks, Hermione's cat, purring at her.

"Hello, Crookshanks. How are you?" she said, stroking its fluffy fur.

The cat purred again before curling himself on her lap. Sighing happily, she looked up and said;

"Where's Ginny and Luna?"

"Ginny got detention with Snape. Luna's writing a letter to her father about Crumple-Horned Snorkack or something like the sort." said Hermione, flipping through her book. "They'll be here any moment."

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