Chapter 49

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           'From knowing just her name to knowing everything about her. It has been the most beautiful journey of their lives. He promised to stay with her forever!'


After few months.......

"What the fuck is this, Ethan?", she whispered yelled smacking his shoulders hard. He turn around to find her furious. She was breathless in anger but she tried to calm herself down as they were in the middle of the Cafeteria.

"Hey, relax kathy", he tried to console her but before he could envelope her with his hug, she dodged the hug.

"How many times have I warned you Ethan, not to do something like this?", kathleen whispered yelled pointing out the hickey on her right side of the neck. EJ burst into laughter.

"That happened when we were in the middle of....", he chuckled and Kathleen covered his mouth before he would spill out their intimate moments.

"Oh no, I shouldn't have come here. Thank god I didn't hear any of your conversation", teased Robert who earned a smack from kathleen. He sat beside EJ who was still smiling from remembering how the hickey happened.

EJ and Kathleen's relationship got into the next stage in the past few months. They were sure about what they were doing. It had always been written in their gaze, the way they looked at each other, the chemistry that only the two of them can understand, to all others it doesn't make any sense, a seed of love that grew into a wild tree every single day, an invitation to learn about the other in the most possible way they could.

Right from the first day on campus for kathleen, even always with a crowd, EJ would spot her girl very easily that she stood apart to his eyes, hearts beating all the faster when she walks towards to talk to him. Then one day she was his, finally and as days went by, they got a chance for their bodies to communicate without the need for words. Yes they united physically.

He was her drug. He knew very well that once he kisses her neck all her resistance will crumble. No matter how angry she was, a kiss from him was enough to calm her down.
Then, after a very few delicate touches of his warm lips on hers she will start to lose her control. Then there would only be one desire, one wish, and they both knew it's just a matter of time before it all happens and it wasn't their first time either.

The real seduction happened between them when kathleen opened up about her past and after that EJ never said a word to her but he knew that his damaged soul recognised his other half.

Kathleen and EJ decided to spend their evening together in EJ'S house as Sarah was out of town for a week and EJ convinced kathleen to come over as he didn't want to be alone for the weekend.

"What can we do now? Eat something?? Watch a movie together? Cooking? Or any board games if you wish to?", suggested EJ while Kathleen smiled at him as he was trying to make her comfortable, since it was their first time all alone in the big house.

"Come here, ethan", she pat the seat beside her indicating him to sit near her. She slouch back into the couch as he sit beside her.

"Have you ever wondered why I used to be such a bully?? Have you ever felt like asking me the reason behind it", she asked him for which he mouthed a no.

"Ethan, it is always a myth that the strong bully the weak. Bully are those who cannot handle their stress with grace, who attack the gentle natured in order to prove that they aren't weak at all. I have attacked people because I never used to have self restraint, a trait often only seen in adults was missing within myself as no one ever taught me something like that. Not even my mother or father", she stammered and EJ listened to her very carefully.

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