Chapter 47

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Some day we will find
what we are looking for
Or maybe not
Maybe we'll find something much greater than that.



"Come on let's leave. I'll drop you in the dorm", EJ suggested like nothing happened between them, while Kathleen was in the state of shock for the past few minutes after the kiss took place. She stood there like a bat blinded by the sun. Her flashbulb eyes and raised eyebrows clearly stated that she couldn't believe EJ really kissed her.

"What? Why do you have to act like you didn't see this coming?", he scoffed standing in the middle of pathway and it was empty, no one was around to witness their conversation.

"Arghh... how long are you gonna act like you regret the kiss? Anyways I always knew you liked me for my charms!", EJ smirked and this made Kathleen jump back to the reality immediately. She couldn't believe he just said that, she never liked him like the way he thinks.

"What...? Really. Huh.. Ethan, you've have got about as much as charm as a dead slug", kathleen scoffed.

"Oh really. But it didn't feel like that when I kissed", he taunted and she blushed in red.

"Don't talk about the kiss again.... I warn you Ethan", grunted kathleen looking away. Kathleen felt awkward and she was anxious this whole time. She was angry on EJ for pulling out a stunt like this in front of everyone.

There is a scream from deep within her that forces its way from her mouth but she doesn't react to it is as if her terrified and grumpy soul has unleashed a demon. All she feel is anger, all she feel is that she want to erase the kiss from her memory because she doesn't want the kiss to be a reason to fall for the boy whom she will never understand.

And he has been hiding a truth from himself for a very long time, he has liked kathleen ever since the day she threatened him. She was the one who wiped away his sadness and in her presence, he totally forgets his scars. Kathleen just gonna have to walk away from here, she can't stand here anymore.

"Oh... so don't tell me you regret our kiss!", he squint his eyes. Kathleen go numb on hearing him say 'our kiss' but she knew that she can't fall for all this.

"What...? Regret! No, that kiss made me nauseous actually!", she scoffed making him furious.

"You can't be serious", huffed EJ in frustration.

"Well I'm".

"I recall how you treated me for over a week, like I never existed on this haven. Everytime I think you are different than all others here, you proved me wrong", she stuttered and EJ flinch on hearing her tone. She sounded sad, disappointed and upset.

"You were the one who saw me past my flaws and stopped me from dwelling into my past life. Whenever I was about to cause a trouble, you would just randomly show up out of nowhere and you would put a halt to anything I was doing. You were like my commander safeguard, you saved me from hurting others and regretting it later", she whispered and their gazes were locked all this while.

"Though you never really thought me as a friend, I hoped you would. As days passed on, I started wishing you would be around all the time and to tell you the truth, you were.... like.... like ...... my salve", she paused and took a deep breath.

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