Chapter 27

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"Robert! Stop. Just stop", Gerald tried to pull Robert away from Rachel. He was holding her against the wall. He caught her by her shirt collar and raised her above the floor.

They have never noticed Robert in such a furious state. He has always been the sweetest, flirtatious and funniest boy next door with a killer smile that captures every heart he comes across. But now he was totally different.

Anger stirred within Robert when Liam told him about the incident. He described about it to Robert on how the girls made use of her vulnerable state to attack Kathleen. Rage pulsed through his veins and he pushed Liam against the wall and enquired where he could find the girls.

Liam also informed him that EJ took Kathleen to the clinic within the university campus. It was Zac who ran to EJ to tell him about the incident. Zach left the girls alone during the incident and rushed to find EJ. But EJ couldn't reach there on time, the girls left the place before his arrival.

His anger spiked at the moment when he noticed Kathleen curled up like a heap on the floor. But he knew that he has to take Kathleen to a hospital before punishing Rachel and her friends.

Kathleen had a weak arm that should be taken good care of. But today, she might have broken it for worse. EJ picked her up from the ground and took her to the clinic.

Whereas Robert went in search of Rachel and her friends and found them in one of the empty classrooms. Anger rose in him like a tide when he saw them laughing happily. He scurried towards Rachel and lifted her off the floor and dashed her against the wall.

Tears welling up in her eyes, she squirmed under his hold. Doris and Melissa was shocked and they froze on witnessing the aggressive Robert for the first time ever. They never knew such side of Robert existed at all.

Gerald comes running into the classroom on hearing the news. He knew Robert would do something to Rachel if he wasn't stopped at such times. His anger towards Rachel will hurt her physically for sure. The only person who could cajole Robert was EJ but as he isn't here, Gerald tried to do his best.

"Robert, let her go. Just leave her", stammered Gerald trying to pull Robert away from Rachel. Robert held her by her shirt collar and Rachel was suffocating right now.

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