Chapter 42

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She is mortal danger to all men.
She is beautiful without
knowing it, and possesses
charms that she is not
even aware of.


"Biscuits", kathleen call out and Laura is excited on reciting the next word as she had decided to go with bus. They decided to play word games as there were no classes for Laura and Kathleen for the respective evening. They were in the middle of a game while Janice entered the room carrying some huge books and papers.

"Bus", she squealed in delight. Kathleen thought for a second and Laura began counting already.

"One, two, three...."

"Babies", she shouted with a jump. The girls were excited like kids while Janice crossed her arm over the chest with a frown that set her face on witnessing the girls.

"Barley", Laura let out a chortle while Kathleen exhaled sharply.

"Ahmm... mmm lemme think..... balloons", she said with a grin. The animated game had no stop and the girls continued to play ignoring Janice presence.

"Girls, hold on. What are you guys doing?", her voice harder than it intended to be.

"It's a game! Word game actually. This game can be played repeatedly, but it's the most fun when pulled as a surprise, with the other party not expecting it. That's how I started playing it with Laura", giggled kathleen.

"How do you play it?", Janice sounded confused.

"Simply say aloud a category of some physical thing, be it flowers, furniture, can be anything for instance", narrates kathleen.

"Like babies, balloons, buildings.... hehehe... i got on a roll with alphabet B didn't I...? That's the game", exclaimed Laura.

"Once you have stated the category, we will immediately begin counting quite rapidly from one to ten; it should take you, only 5 seconds or less. The other person or for example you, you have only until then to name such an item with the same alphabet that we started!", explained Kathleen and Janice mouthed a 'Oh'.

"For example, I call out, 'Bamboo! 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10!' If the other player is on their toes, they may make it by the time "5" is called to shout out the name of a food—"blueberries" for instance.

I say "shout out," as, in the urgency presented, shouting is usually what happens. If they cannot think of something before the time runs out, they lose, and it is again the first player's turn to call out a category. However, if they beat the clock, it is their turn to call a category", chirped Laura.

"Ohh, really. You both act like kids", scoffed Janice.

"We are though", kathleen winked.

"Well then, listen Kath, laura! we have other issues to solve", announced Janice. Their eyes widen slightly before a confusion sets their face.

"We have to save something from demolition", confessed Janice taking out a paper form from her bag.

"What is that?", kathleen questioned eagerly.

"A building - a historic building indeed", Janice showed them the details regarding the historic building.

"Which one exactly?", Laura asked her scanning the sheet that lay on her lap.

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