Chapter 48

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Someone comes into your life as a blessing and for someone you are a blessing!



"Now tell me, when did you sneak into our room last night?", grunted Janice pulling away Kathleen's duvet making her groan.

"Well, good morning to you", smiled kathleen and her smile turned into a yawn in no time.

"You haven't answered my question yet kath and Laura said you left with EJ?? What happened ? I need to know right now", Janice demanded kathleen to fill her in with the details that she totally missed last night.

"Laura, I came back into the hall looking for you but you were gone. Where were you? And how did you get back to the dormitory?", kathleen sits up, pulling her hair into a messy bun.

"Hey... after EJ dragged you out of the party hall, Beverly was furious and she was planning a way to hurt you. She decided to hurt me to teach you with a lesson but that didn't happen", explained Laura and she decided to stay in her bed for the time left.

"Oh, thank God. I was worried and I tried calling you but you never returned any of my calls", signed Kathleen.

"Sorry, kath. Nathaniel took care of Beverly and the girls. He was the one who helped me in getting back to the dormitory before twelve", Laura concludes her story with a shrug. Kathleen studied her for a minute and she could say Laura liked him and it was surprising to kathleen.

"Oh my god, you like him, Laura. So, finally you got your prince charming", chuckled kathleen. Janice averted her gaze to Laura who blushed in pink.

"What no!! Come on Kathy. It's not like you think!", Laura threw her hands in air with a pout.

"Then what it is like? Tell me! I can smell something obviously strange here!", Janice squint her eyes at Laura's direction.

"Maybe........ I sort of like him", she blushed in pink. Kathleen and Janice jump onto Laura's bed and pulling her out of the bed. The girls were jumping in joy and ecstasy.

"Girls don't do this. I'm not even sure about it though!",claimed Laura.

"Not sure about what?", kathleen seemed confused for a minute.

"The thing between us, myself and Nathaniel", she shrugged falling onto her bed again.

"Listen up, you young lady! You can't stop the feelings you have for someone. You can't lie to yourself either. Your heart knows the truth all too well", Janice claims in a serious tone.

"I do know that", Laura mumbled and Kathleen spoke up.

"Emotions are a part of us, and in any relationship you can say, the emotions blend with us in the most delicious of ways. Emotions are who we are and there is no need to hide them or shoo them away.

Yet, there are times we have storms within ourselves, never because of us exactly, but from the damage, the triggers of our past. In my case I have been running away from my past for no reason at all. And I always thought no one would ever dare to love me for whom I'm. But I was proved wrong", she stopped for a while and began again.

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