Chapter 49: Back In Blood

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B groaned as he woke from his drug induced state, rolling his head around to remove the stiffness from the injection area. He blinked to focus on his surroundings, taking in the low light from the dangling fixture in front of him.

He tried to move, but the tug of war between the sleeper drug and the cuffs on his wrists and ankles, forced him to remain stationary.

"Ahhh, he's awake." He heard from behind that low hanging light fixture, and he immediately recognized it to be Westbrook's voice.

Westbrook dragged a metal chair across the concrete floor, causing a loud screeching sound that irritated B's ears to sit in front of him.

"The fuck you want?" B groaned as Westbrook adjusted to cross his legs with his hands clasped comfortably over his knee.

"Stevens. I know you didn't forget. It's time for you to make a decision. I told you don't make me come looking for you. Did you really think I was playing?" Westbrook laughed hard from his gut.

"Look, I don't want to do this man. Let me pay my way out. I just want to be here for my wife and daughter." B pleaded with his head down until he remembered to look his enemy in the eye.

Westbrook scoffed disrespectfully. "This is the United States, Sailor, your money is chump change. We really want you. Your skill."

"Or what?" B scoffed.

"Or... you see those US Marshals outside that little door right there? All I have to do is give the word and they'll haul your ass off to prison for the rest of your natural, black ass life. You seem to have amnesia of all the illegal shit you've done, Stevens. And it's kind of pissing me off that you think this is a game." Westbrook addressed frustratedly while B struggled with the situation. He wanted so badly to break from his cuffs and snap his neck, but he knew he wouldn't make it far, or worse.. they'd go after his family. No sooner than the thought crossed his mind, his worst fear was realized.

Westbrook pulled his chair even closer to B and unlocked the cuffs around B's wrists and ankles before he plopped back down to finish his spiel. "Look here Stevens, why don't I raise the stakes, but also simplify this for you so it'll click. You work for us, you see your family. You're free to do whatever the hell you want to do, but when you get a mission alert, you better answer. Or, you don't work for us, we end this right now, and I'll load you in the van and escort you to a Supermax with twenty-three hour lock downs. No trial needed, just straight to prison. Now here's the part I think you'll like. If you don't work for us, your beautiful songbird of a fiancé will be taken in as well." He grinned as he sat back in his chair and into a patch of darkness due to the positioning of the light.

B fumed while trying his best not to react. "You really gon tell me all of this AFTER you uncuff me." He seethed, leaning forward and flexing his fingers to circulate the blood through them.

"You're ballsy, but you're not crazy. You know, if you touch me you won't make it out of here alive. Yea so, I'm not worried at all. Now make your choice." He rushed and B swallowed hard.

"Why are you threatening Kali? I did the crime. Just leave her out of this." B's voice deepened as he waited for an explanation.

Westbrook shrugged his shoulders without a care and leaned forward. "She knows what you did, yet she did nothing. She's an accomplice to your heinous crimes. Way to ruin her life, Stevens. All because you can't control your anger. You want your girl to live a normal life? I'll let you walk out of here right now if you give me your word and a signature." Westbrook presented with a smirk B wanted to knock off his face.

B watched him closely before answering. "Before I sign anything, how long would I have to do this?"

"We'll let you know." Westbrook stood to retrieve a hi tech tablet and objects to hand to B with a stylus pen. " Once you sign on the dotted line, you'll be given everything you need to fulfill this obligation and more. Refresher Training starts tomorrow. Not that I think you'll need it, but it's protocol. You know where to go, it's the same building as before. Here's my card. I'll be your superior. Here's your phone, your gun, your badge, and you can take your new ID picture tomorrow." Westbrook ran down rather quickly as he shoved all the items into B's lap.

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