Chapter 26: Feel the Fire

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B decided to leave early in the morning after laying under Kali all night, watching old episodes of In Living Color, and even singing for her again when she asked. He waited until she fell asleep to try to escape, leaving a handwritten note and two thousand dollars cash next to her toothbrush so she'd quickly see it.

He didn't forget that she mentioned several times that she was struggling financially, and took it upon himself to help out. The amount was enough to catch up on some past due notices so imagine the happy tears she shed when she noticed his generous gesture, in true B fashion nonetheless. She read his note over and over, smiling from ear to ear at how much her friend irritated her with his sweet, yet hot and cold behavior.

It read: Good Morning Princess, I've decided to catch my flight to London after all. I promise I'll be okay, and don't be over there worrying about me while you continue to do you. I'll call you as soon as I get back so don't bother calling me. In the meantime, I left you some money..yea I know you independent and allat shit, but yo prideful ass needs some help. Pay ya car note or whatever else you need to do, and don't worry about paying me back. If you even ask me about it, I swear to God I'll choke you out. LOL. Anyway, thank you for the bracelet, and I'll proudly wear it in honor of you. And I know you over saying 'aww' and about to cry so shut dat shit up. See you soon. Peace, B.

She stashed the note in a keepsake box and immediately dressed for the day to deposit the cash in her bank account so she could pay her bills....


B boarded the private jet and frowned when he discovered his superior and another person sitting on the usually empty plane. He moved toward them skeptically, tossing his carry on into his usual seat."The fuck is all this?" He quizzed with one eyebrow raised.

His superior crossed his leg and flipped through a magazine, barely looking in B's direction as he spoke."Stevens... Travis, you're partners for this mission."

"Partners?! Cap, I told you I wanted to do this alone. I'm not trying to have a repeat of last time."

"I agree Cap, I work better alone too." Travis intervened, gaining an irritated scowl from B.

"Both of you SHUT YOUR GODDAMN PUSSY TRAPS AND LISTEN! We need our best guys on this job, or did you both suddenly forget that we lost ten of our own. TEN!! You babbling bastards need to look at the bigger picture and get well acquainted because you'll have to rely on each other in the next few days." He stood up and tugged on his tailored suit. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have orders to give. Good luck gentlemen, and come back alive." He concluded as he tapped Travis' knee before walking past B to pat his back. He exited the military airline, leaving both headstrong men staring at each other like two male lions battling over a pride.

B stalked the man as he took his seat, but Travis' gaze didn't falter either. B was about to tune him out until Travis addressed him." You know, we'll do damage together if you think about it."

"Just don't fuck up my track record." B scoffed as the plane prepared for takeoff.

"And you just don't die. Remember we'd be having this conversation via seance if it wasn't for me." Travis smirked evilly as he referenced the last mission in which he saved B's life, causing B to scoff and stuff his ear buds in to adjust comfortably in his seat.



"So everybody is bringing their significant other? Well great. This is embarrassing."

"Sorry Boo." My sister Brook shrugged regretfully in the camera. "Wait, I thought you said you were bringing Bartholomew?" She pushed her brows together as if she just KNEW that was his name, and I was about as fed up as Mekhi Phifer in the Bobby Brown Story.

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