Chapter 31: LoyaltySoul

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December 23, 2023

Three weeks. No calls, no texts, nothing. At least not from B's end. By a week and a half she was going through the motions and fed up with the hot and cold behavior, and ultimately made the decision to not even try to reach out anymore. She didn't understand how such a progressive trip could come to an abrupt end. She'd be lying to herself if she'd say she was surprised as it was something she figured would happen in the back of her mind, even as she pulled off from her parents' home. It killed Kali to keep the distance, but it was necessary for her own progress.

On the other hand, she didn't stop her hurt filled heart from slowing her career down. She recorded the songs she was asked to collaborate on a while back. She sold some songs that she wrote to some huge artists and even managed to create new music with Nina while she stayed in her house. She was so focused that she recorded an entire album worth of songs, a great opportunity for her career and an even better personal distraction from B.

The video shoot with Teyana was pushed back at the request of Kali as she tried to find some alternative eye candy for her video since B wasn't available. Kali sat in her dressing room the day of shoot, makeup beat, natural curls poppin, and white, fluffy robe to conceal her naked frame while she scrolled through Cleve's Instagram.

She had a few chuckles and came across a picture from Thanksgiving of the whole family and saw B's smiling face with her mother kissing his cheek. It was the cutest thing to see him smile so wide, but she couldn't contain the sadness the picture brought from missing him so much. She was so caught up in the memories from that day that she hadn't noticed Ashli had come in.


"Huh? Yea wassup?" She jumped and immediately turned her phone face down once she noticed Ashli looking at the picture along with her.

"Oooh, you're still stuck on Bernard?"

Kali exhaled and shook her head, ready to fully transparent. "I miss him, Ash. I haven't talked to him at all since we left home."

"Well shit, refresh my memory. Did y'all have a fight?"

"He just hasn't called or replied to any of my texts. I get it, he's working. I've been busy too, but I at least make time to reach out. I've been trying to wean myself off of him, but I think I hit the patch where it's really hard to do something that doesn't remind me of him. Now I'm here about to shoot this video that he was supposed to be in and he's not here."  She hung her head-. "He always makes me feel better when I'm nervous before I do something big, and without him here, I'm just really trying it keep it together."

Ashli touched her shoulder and softened. "Aww boo.
As much as he irks my damn soul, I hate to see you so upset over him. I don't want to get your hopes up, but maybe he'll check on you soon. Either that or he's dead." Ashli pat her Kali's shoulder and Kali frowned.

"Ashli!"Kali peered at her in horror.

"I mean, I hope that's not the case. Ah hell nevermind." Ashli shrugged as she forced Kali from her seat to stand up. "C'mon here girl. No more pouting. This is a very important day for you. Fix that pretty face of yours and enjoy this milestone. They're ready for you."

Kali pinched the bridge of her nose." You know you're not making this any better for me, right?"

"Listen, I'm your manager, not a therapist, BUT as your friend, I can say you will be alright. Take a second, and meet me on set."Ash smiled before she walked away.

"I hope so." Kali mumbled as she stuffed her phone in her purse, only to take it out again once she recalled what Ash said about B. Now paranoid of the stupid idea that he was possibly somewhere hurt in her head. She decided to reach out one more time, hoping that Maybe if he saw that she was worried about that very thing, he'd respond.

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