Chapter 41: 2U 4U

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The gossipy whispers in the room made Kali cower under the lights while many suffered from second hand embarrassment. The tension in the room was palpable and B's forward energy never wavered as he stared a hole through Kali.

"And did you think to consult her father before going public?" He persisted as he gripped his wrist tighter. He was obviously pissed having heard her spill something so personal before talking to him. Kali exhaled and looked over at Ash when she didn't know what to do.

"I'm talking to you." He continued and the sound department cut the mic. The murmurs in the room increased in volume as the host struggled to gain control of the situation by shushing them.

Kali was mortified, but even in her own discomfort, she understood his strife. She did just reveal to the world her biggest secret without telling the father first, and she had to deal with the consequences of her decision. That consequence being B's anger toward her on a public stage since they couldn't talk civilly. It was his way of getting her to listen.

Ashli was pinching the bridge of her nose and Rafe's eyes had bucked so far from his head that they burned as Kali tried her best to appear unfazed. B glanced off to the side at a security guard coming his way and he prepared himself for a fight.

"Homie, I'd advise you to keep a safe distance if you wanna live." He threatened, pointing his thumb, index, fingers like a gun as a way to stop him from coming forward. Luckily, there wasn't a need for violence when the guard miraculously stopped.

Nana, Kali's publicist sprang into action, twirling her finger at the host as a sign to wrap up the questions so they could go straight into her performance.

"Ok guys, that's it for the questions, we're now gonna move into a special performance from the 2024 Best New Artist recipient, performing her single Green Papaya."

Kali's eyes fixed on B as he left the aisle to take his seat, on the left side in the front row. She didn't know how she missed him before, but she couldn't tear her eyes away from him if she tried. She was so embarrassed and felt horrible for her actions, and even worse that he was ignored and subjected to more judgment.

She stood firm as the stage was quickly changed. They brought out her stool and guitar while her keyboardist and bass player took their spots. Her background singers missed their flight so Ash and Nana had to do double duty and perform with her as backup singers. Thankfully Ashli's soprano and Nana's alto complimented Kali's range beautifully, so no one knew they didn't do it professionally.

Kali looked down as she strummed the chords of the song written about B, and watched him reluctantly with a nervous energy. She closed her eyes as his gaze through her soul was becoming unbearable. By the time she made it to the chorus that didn't have backing vocals, she was a mess, strumming the wrong chords until she looked behind her for Ash and Nana to support her when she started to feel faint. She non verbally communicated for them to join her side, and They each flanked Kali, giving her the support she needed while they rubbed her back. With her friends by her side, her voice became stronger and more confident under B's gaze, though still intense, it was less frightening and full of hurt.

She sang the lyrics to him directly, apologizing with her eyes and the lyrics in a way he couldn't ignore. He was trying his hardest not to choke up, but when she sang My partner-in-crime, hoping you'll love me 'till it dies, his lip quivered from the emotion he held back.

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