Chapter 38: Grief

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Trigger Warning!! Lots of violence, mention of death, and drug use.


Her screams were so loud in combination with the constant firing of gunshots that rang in my ears. I hit the accelerator and rammed into several cars behind me as I drove in reverse, dodging bullets that ripped past me while Kali cried with her head in her lap. I hit an area where the gunfire stopped, and I switched into drive to get away. I crashed through the barrier and sped through the streets, not giving a fuck about who I hit or what laws I broke while trying to get her to safety.

"Kali. Kali! Are you hit?" I asked frantically trying to search her for bullet wounds with my right hand as I climbed well over 100mph.

"Noo!" She hollered with her head down and hands behind her neck, reminiscent of a child during a tornado drill in school.

"Stay low for me, ok?" I ordered as I felt it was too early to breathe a sigh of relief. I wouldn't feel right until whoever was after us was dead and we were back home.

"Ok." She responded in a shaky voice and my heart broke. It was the exact feeling I wanted to avoid and the reason I didn't want to bring bad Karma into her life.


"What is going on?! She cried while trying to glance at him without catching a bullet to the head.

"I'll explain later. Just hand me the bag in the backseat." He ordered as he weaved in and out of traffic trying to lose the multiple vans chasing after them. She slouched in her seat too nervous to move and he frowned. He understood her terror, but they didn't have the luxury of time for her to ignore him.

"Kali, the bag!" He yelled to light a fire under her ass, causing her to scramble over the console to reach for the bag. She struggled with the weight of it, but the adrenaline that pumped gave her the added strength she needed. She unzipped the bag and was thrown into the door as B made a hard turn, tires screeching like a drag strip in the hood on a Saturday night. He whipped that truck so much like a pro that it felt like they were on two wheels at times.

She was finally able to get a good look at the artillery in the bag and glanced at B, who happened to glance at her at the exact same time.

"I need you to take the wheel." He offered and she raised both brows with doubt.


"Kali! Focus! This ain't the time to be scared. I need your head right so we can make it the fuck outta here alive. You understand me?!" He barked while paying attention to what was going on in front of him. He flinched when a bullet shattered his side view mirror, causing him to swerve right to drive onto the sidewalk to avoid more bullets. She held on, even more intimidated to get behind the wheel to lead them to safety. She was in her own head psyching herself out until his deep voiced rattled her nerves. "Kali!"

Frazzled, she jumped at the sound of his voice. "Ok! Ok. I'll do it!"

"Grab a pistol and clips then throw the bag on the backseat. Imma hop in the back and I need you to hurry up and grab the wheel. I need you to drive this bitch until you lose em' aight?!" He harshly explained without even looking in her direction. They both ducked as a reflex when they watched a bullet demolish the touchscreen radio. "We gotta move NOW!" He pressured.

"Ok, ok." She agreed as she grabbed her assigned pistol and clips to sit to the side as instructed, and tossed the bag. He let up off the gas and she grabbed the wheel from the passenger seat while he moved swiftly to the back over the console. She hopped into the driver's seat and hit the gas, causing him to lose his balance and fell all over the backseat. Unfazed by the mishap, he began rummaging through the bag to arrange the weapons so they'd be easier to grab. She swerved away from one car, but smashed into the back of a car with a child inside, sending her reeling into a regretful rant as she sped away from the scene of the crime.

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