Chapter 3: Excuse Me

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My morning was oddly peaceful. I was able to get through meditation without vulgar lyrics interrupting me so I was cool. In fact, I didn't hear a peep out of RudeKari as I set up my living room for my session. My vocal coaching client Maggie was in the area so to save us both some time, I allowed her to stop by for training before she hit the road for auditions in New York. I sat at my keyboard and set the metronome to help improve her rhythm and timing for our warm ups.

"Again Maggie..1, 2, 3, 4." I clapped my hand on my thigh with my left hand and used my right to play as she sang the scales the way we rehearsed.

A few more runs of those before we started to sing the song she was planning for her audition. I gave her pointers and feedback to work on her breathing and control before the peace of it all went downhill.

"We gon' pull a train on this nigga choo choo!" blared, scaring poor Maggie and embarrassing me in the process when I'm A Hoe by Master P started to pulsate through the walls.

"Oh my Goodness."Maggie chuckled, holding her chest having been startled.

"I'm sorry Maggie, it's my rude neighbor. I've been dealing with this for a few days now. Just one sec, right back. Practice your scales until I get back." I suggested as I got up to go to the hallway to kick at his door.

"Hey! Can you shut the hell up in there! I'm trying to work!" I yelled and it fell on deaf ears when he didn't answer nor turn the music down. When I went back inside, Maggie was already on the phone with 911 reporting a disturbance.

"Yes, it's super loud and she's already asked nicely. Yes..Kali, what's this address again?"

"Wait Maggie, what are you doing?!"

"Calling the cops, we can't even finish working because of your neighbor, you said it yourself.

"Ayye, I appreciate your concern Maggie, but I could've handled it myself. The cops didn't need to be called." I added, referring to the fact that my neighbor is a black man in a nice neighborhood. Although I couldn't stand his ass, calling the cops wasn't necessarily the right decision for obvious reasons, and I was always gon look out for my people.
She shook her head slowly, confused and I could tell where it was going.

"Oh I figured..." she started until I held up my hand to cut her off. I started packing up my things as she stood there dumbfounded.

"How about we finish later while I handle this." Good luck in New York, you'll do amazing, and keep me updated." I smiled fakely as she just hung up the phone without even telling the operator nevermind.

"Oh..ok..well I'll see you. Thank you again!" She smiled as she moved slowly to get her belongings.

"Cool." I said dryly as I helped get her things so I could usher her out the door in a hurry.  I had to go pee and when I was done I was gonna go over to B's and try to reason, but before I could, I heard his music stop and a conversation.

While eavesdropping I gathered that it was a cop and panicked a little. They still sent a unit even though she hung up without giving an address so they must've used her location to track the disturbance. Feeling only slightly bad, I stepped out just as the cop was leaving and caught B as he was closing his door.

He appeared pissed understandably, but I was just relieved for my own conscience that the encounter didn't end in a headline.

"B, I didn't call the cops-

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