Chapter 8: Midnight Hour

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B posted up against his counter eating a bag of his favorite bag of Sour Patch gummies when Janee pounded on his door.

"B open this door!" She yelled impatiently while he tossed two more gummies in his mouth.

"I'm schleep." He childishly responded, frustrating her more with his rude immaturity. He knew she was livid. But did he care? Not at all.


"Don't call me dat."He corrected dryly as he swallowed after taking a sip of water to dissolve the candy sticking to his teeth. Yes Bakari was his birth name, but he preferred if people called him B since hearing his name always reminded him of his late parents.

"Open the fuckin door!" She hollered and before she get the word 'door' out her loud mouth, he roughly pulled it open and walked away before she could cross the threshold.--The fuck is your problem B, why'd you run off like that?"

He scrunched his lips as he leaned against his counter again, waiting for her to shut the fuck up."Cuz you was tryna be on dat dumb shit. You know we ain't together, so why you shuffle yo black ass to the front and start swaying like you at a Mary J. Blige concert after a nigga hurt you?" she jerked her head back and sat into her hip as he continued. "The deal was, get some drinks, come back here, catch some nuts before it was time for you to bounce. But nah.. you in there tryna make friends and shit." He frowned as he spoke his mind freely while she stared at him with her arms crossed. He grabbed his bag of gummies and Janee stepped forward swiftly and smacked them from his hands.


His mouth dropped as He watched his favorite candy spill from the bag once it slammed against the stainless steel refrigerator, switching from an expression of 'bitch I should yoke yo ass up'

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His mouth dropped as He watched his favorite candy spill from the bag once it slammed against the stainless steel refrigerator, switching from an expression of 'bitch I should yoke yo ass up'. His dark eyes shifted slowly to hers piercing intimidatingly through her soul, but she held her own.

"Nigga Fuck you! I'm tired of yo disrespectful ass mouth! Since you wanna be a pussy, How about you call your other bitch to fuck you like I fuck you. Oh that's right! She can't! And That's why you keep callin me, but I'll be damned if you keep on with this slick shit and think imma just smile and keep putting up with it!" She hollered as she stepped closer to him, twirling her neck and pointing in his face as she pressed herself against him.

He took a breath and backed up with a chuckle while he unconsciously rubbed over his beard to focused on her demeanor. She had balls. Big ones to challenge him since she never had before, and for the first time in any situation, he paused before he reacted. She was right.

She was his number one fuck buddy, whom he'd been fucking consistently for six months-- along with other hoes when she wasn't available. Hands down she had the top spot for what she could do in the bedroom..or the car..or wherever else they fucked that made him cum the hardest. But still who THE FUCK did she think she was pressing him like that? Did she not know WHO he was? Actually she didn't because it wasn't like he could really tell her, but still.. home girl was in over her head.

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