Chapter 25: Even If It It So

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It had been about two weeks since their steamy encounter with Gia, and B and Kali hadn't seen each other. Their relationship had gone from popping up at the other's place to texting each other to check in since they both were too busy for visits. When one would be home, the other would be out and vice versa, so they ultimately kept missing each other.

Their text conversations were short as Kali adjusted to spending her nights after the lounge in the studio to record the music just collecting dust in her notebooks. She was damn near going broke to dish out the money for the studio time as well as pay producers for their tracks. Her savings dwindled, so she took out a loan to stay afloat while she even produced some of her own music to save money.

Her manager was busting her ass getting Kali's name out there, even earning a few local gigs at bars and clubs. She was doing small interviews on local podcasts and at radio stations and everything. It was meeting on top of meeting, show after show, and though she was exhausted, she was proud of the momentum she gained on her career path. She gained enough notoriety to book a show in LA thanks to Nina, who listened to one of the tracks she recorded herself. Despite immersing herself in work to be the successful individual she strived to be, all she could think about was B.

B on the other hand was also just as busy with training and spending most days at headquarters. As much as he tried to stay clear of his feelings for her, he couldn't shake the ever invading thoughts of her. He missed her. Terribly.

He went on a few quick jobs and each one was harder than the last, and it had everything to do with his outlook on life thanks to Kali. He wasn't blind in seeing the good in some of the people he was hired to murder anymore.

Not everyone was a threat on a national level, some were targets because they knew too much, and those were the jobs that began to affect him. He questioned whether he should be the one playing God and contemplated quitting all together as he thought about his future. The thought about what was to come gave him anxiety and the fact that Kali was constantly in connection to the thought made him even more troubled.

How could she love him and want to be with him once she discovered in detail what he did professionally? Could he ever reveal what really happened to his parents or would she abandon him?


I did some yoga, exercised and even did a load of laundry on the productive Saturday morning before I decided to get dressed to finally see B. I texted him to see where he was and he informed me that he was at the old church down the way, helping serve the homeless until the food ran out. I loved that he was so caring under that hard exterior and seeing his initiative lit a fire under my ass to get out and help too. I was struggling myself, but I thanked God everyday because it could be worse, so the least I could do was be of service.

I was casual in my ripped blue jeggings, brown boots and a simple white 'v' neck t-shirt. I styled my hair in a sleek low bun and ordered a Lyft to the spot, hoping to ride back with him when we were done.

I arrived at the large church and snooped around until I heard voices of what sounded like a crowded basement party until I realized that it was a makeshift dining hall. It was people EVERYWHERE, and I was slightly overwhelmed as I skimmed through the many faces in the room.

I didn't see him anywhere at first, until I finally asked someone if they knew of him or where he would be. Before they could answer, I spotted his beautiful self in his plastic apron, looking all domesticated in his hair net and plastic gloves. He looked like a fine ass lunch man in a high school kitchen who I wouldn't mind topping off behind the bleachers.

I observed from afar as he slid a plate of food in front of an elderly man seated at a table, rubbing the man's back in a comforting manner. My heart just melted. Watching him smile and joke with the man made me appreciate him and his generosity even more. My eyes followed him as he walked back to a long table to pick up more plates to deliver to individuals who weren't able to get the food themselves, and I swooned.

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