Chapter 45: Send Me Out

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I held London in my arms as she pressed her tiny hand against the thick prison glass that separated us from her father. A tear traveled down my cheek, heartbroken as she repeatedly called for her daddy while he reminded her how much he loved her. It was gut wrenching to actually feel her little heart torn apart because she couldn't touch him, or kiss his cheek as she always did.

It was clear that the feeling was mutual as we watched his dark brown eyes fade to hazel as he shared a moment with our baby. "Lun Bun! Daddy will be home soon, ok. I love you so much baby girl!" His pained eyes found mine, and the smile he forced wiped from his face gradually as he addressed me. "Kali, I'm so sorry. Imma make this shit up to you, and we'll be together again..I promise." His voice cracked while tears lined his tear ducts. I gulped and told him that I loved him before a large guard yanked him back by his collar. The switch on his face was immediate and even more painful to see since he couldn't react the way he wanted.

"Time's up Stevens!" The guard screamed with a firm grip on his neck, manhandling him like he was less than human. My blood ran cold seeing this man emasculate my love, and I wanted nothing more than to whoop his ass myself.

B set his sights back onto me and reiterated how much he loved me as he fought against the guard's force with his palm plastered to the glass. I wanted so badly to touch him without the thick glass separating us. My ring made a clicking sound when my hand beat on the glass unconsciously as I watched him being ripped from the phone and dragged away.

I held my baby and cried as he struggled to watch me until we lost sight of each other when the gates slammed shut. I hung up the communication phone and stood to walk out with another guard chaperoning me, while wiping tears from mine and my baby's eyes. It was yet another visit and a harsh reminder that we were reaping what B sowed.

The guard rushed me along and I flinched from the pressure he applied around my bicep. When I opened my mouth to curse him out, the sound refused to travel as I noticed that his head was twisted 180 degrees. I tried to squirm away from him as London began to scream when we were handed off to another guard. This one looked stitched together like some horrid halloween puzzle and my gut turned. I immediately recognized her as Janee and when the first guard walked back to where we just came from, I could see from his backwards head that it was Rico, smiling back with a sinister glare.

My heart raced. Beating dramatically like a New York street performer inside my chest and echoing through my ears. I speed walked as I hid my baby's face from the graphic images and calmly pleaded with her to keep her eyes closed.

Cautiously, but swiftly, we walked to another checkpoint where they issued my belongings forfeited over at my arrival. As I slid on London's jean jacket, a wet hand touched mine and left a residue on my knuckles, both giving me the creeps and alarming me. My eyes traveled up and I turned my nose up at the slimy seaweed hanging from her fingertips. My eyes kept traveling upwards, and my breath hitched as they landed on a familiar set. I swallowed the lump in my throat when Kenny's gray toned face with the same sinister gaze as the others almost made me shit a brick.

"Drive safe." She greeted me as she pushed me out of the gate once she pressed the button to open it. I exhaled when the fresh air hit my face, and the wind whipped through my hair when I booked it to my truck to get my baby to safety. I strapped her inside, handed her a tumbler of chilled juice and sighed with relief as I started the vehicle. I pulled from my space and forgot about the final checkpoint to exit the premises. It was a maximum security prison so there was no other way around it to make it back home. When I pulled up to the guard at the window, I handed him my ticket without looking and waited for him to raise the bar so I could pass through.

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