Chapter 2: What's the Difference?

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~The Next Day~

She slept fairly well her first night in a new environment considering she usually had trouble adjusting. She sat up to step out of bed, making sure her left foot hit the ground first, something her grandfather always taught them as kids to ensure a great start to her day. She went to run the shower to Satan, the hottest she could stand while she peed, taking time to brush her teeth thoroughly as well.

Once done, she stepped foot in her creative sanctuary, where most of her melodies and song lyrics were created, and began to hum the melody currently looping on her brain. The longer she showered, the more she added to it. By the time she was done with her daily hygiene routine, she ran naked as the day she was born through the place to quickly record the creation on her keyboard for later inspiration.

Once that was out of the way, she moisturized and tied her bundles into a top knot for a quick yoga session and meditation to kick start her day. She rolled out her mat in the living room and sat with her legs out in front of her to lean forward and stretch. She did the same for her left and right sides before she began. She did about twenty minutes of yoga before she sat Indian style for meditation. She was deep within her comfort letting  her mind rest in relaxation until B's loud music pulsated through the walls causing her eyes to fly open.

"Come on, not again." She whined as she slipped on some fuzzy slides to go over to pound away on the thin ass walls so he would get the picture. Her attempts were ignored, leaving her fed up and storming out the door and over to him to give him a piece of her mind.

She pounded mercilessly until he opened up dressed as if he was on his way out. All it took was one glance over her frame and back to her face with a scowl that irritated her even more, and it took everything in her not to slap him with the slide.

"Hmm....You again. What is it? Too loud?" He asked with a raised eyebrow while grabbing the crotch of his pants cockily.

"Well if you're aware, why keep doing it? Be considerate my dude." She challenged with a roll of her neck, sending him into a condescending laughing fit. 
He abruptly stopped as if it wasn't really funny at all and stared at her while clenching his  jaw.

"That's cute..this lil flex act you got going on..he waved his finger at her up and down while sizing her up.-but yo lil ass don't intimidate me. Now GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY DOOR?!"

Her head jerked back at his behavior and she couldn't help but look him up and down wondering what scoundrel raised a bitch like him. She wasn't one to really curse or raise her voice, but he had that effect on her understandably. He had that effect on most people honestly, but he really didn't give a fuck.

"Excuse me? All I asked was if you could just keep it down because you have a neighbor now. All that loud stuff and not caring because you had nobody to check you gon have to stop. Cuz I will file a complaint on yo tail if you continue to be disrespectful. I'm not trying to be a bitch or a nagging neighbor, but cut me some damn slack! You be considerate to me and you'll get it in return!" She raged with her face frowned up only for him to straight face her before he closed the door slightly in her face.

"Damn jerk!" She yelled at the door before it was pulled open again to reveal him with his Ray Bans on and book bag on his back. He purposely bumped into her with his backpack as he stepped out to lock his door.

She awkwardly waited until he turned around and when he did he sucked in his bottom lip and watched how annoyed she looked. She was hella attractive, but the shit she was talking, he could care less about. He decided to play the game because he was about to leave and he needed her to just get the fuck on as soon as possible.

"Cool..he got it Princess." He mentioned in a monotone voice, and she huffed.

"It's Kali!"

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