Chapter 28: Faded Pictures

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Kali paced around her dressing room dressed to the nines in her seventies attire. Her body looked amazing in her mini skirt and flowing tied top that made her titties sit high and inviting.

She wrung her hands as she practiced her vocal warm-ups until the knock at the door interrupted her, but she chose to ignore it since her manager was on the other side of the room with her face buried in the phone. Kali stopped and stared at her which made Ashli look up from the device and she sighed.

"Oh, I guess I'll get it then." She laughed as Kali found her tube of lip gloss to reapply some as she leaned onto the brightly lit vanity.

Ashli opened the door and rolled her eyes at the man who she barely had a relationship with, but his presence annoyed her the most. B was standing there with a big koolaid grin that faded once he saw who it was as he held a large bouquet of pink roses.

"Bernard. So good to see you." She lied as she inspected him from head to toe.

"Yea you too Big Booty Judy. Kali in here?" He asked while trying to look around her. She nodded and opened the door wider to let him in. His wide smile returned when he noticed Kali leaning onto the vanity to inspect her own makeup job until her eyes caught his in the mirror. She smiled and turned to face him and melted when she saw how adorable he was with his nice gesture of bringing her roses.

He stepped forward and leaned down to softly peck her lips before it turned more sensual and even drew a low moan from him as he savored it. Ashli cleared her throat and Kali broke away into a shared smile with B before they gazed into each other's eyes.

"You look good as fuck, K."

"You look edible too, my love. These for me?" She smiled as she snuck another kiss on his pretty lips. She loved the black slacks and black, fitted turtleneck he wore, and couldn't stop touching his protruding biceps.

"Umhm." He bit his lip and handed them over for her to sniff them.

"Thank you. How'd you know my favorite color is pink?"

"I didn't. I guess I got lucky." He smirked, seemingly out of it as they gazed into each other's eyes. It was almost as if he was hypnotized with his tone low and barely above a whisper. They both forgot that Ashli was even standing there.

"Umm, hey, I'll leave y'all to.... whatever the hell this is. I'll knock when it's showtime." She shook her head and walked away, closing the door behind her.

"Ok." Kali spoke in the same hypnotized state without looking her friend's way. Once she left he kissed her, pushing her back against the vanity for another tongue session before she pushed into his chest so they could converse without the distraction.

He gathered himself before it went even further. "So big time, how you feelin?" He asked as he wiped his mouth.

"Jittery. I was fine until Nina came to me with some last minute changes for the opening." She hurled as she sat atop the vanity.

"What happened?" He quizzed.

"One of the students that was supposed to lead the girl group segment pulled out and nobody wanted to step up. So guess who they asked to save the day." She smirked before picking up her index finger to point to herself.

"Word? Well shit that's dope for you though. More exposure right?"

"Yea definitely. I'm not complaining, just the pre-show jitters. I just like to be prepared. Thank God I already know the words to the song or else I'd be fucked." She snickered as she smoothed her top of imaginary wrinkles.

He shook his head and closed in on her personal space, using his hands to warm her arms that were riddled with goosebumps from her nerves. "Aye aye, chill all this. You gon be aight. This is what you do and pretty much what you signed up for. It's a part of show business and it'll all pay off, watch."He gave her a reassuring smile that made her shrink under his gaze.

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