Chapter 15: Description of a Fool

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An older man drove with his top down on his new luxury sports car down a popular street around noon, blaring 80's rock n roll and unaware of his surroundings. A motorcycle pulled beside him and revved the engine to get the attention of the older man, who gave an disinterested glance in his direction.

"No I'm not trying to race you buddy." The man blurted and the cyclist threw his hands up in defense at the man's rejection. The older man turned his attention straight ahead and the cyclist swiftly pulled a modified Desert Eagle with a suppressor attached from his moto jacket and aimed directly at the man's temple. He pulled the trigger three short times and the marksmanship he had made it look like all three bullets entered in the same hole. The man was dead before his slumped body could even hit the passenger seat, and like that, the cyclist revved the engine and popped a wheelie through a red light to speed through the streets to his next destination.

Once he arrived at the meeting spot, the dusty warehouse tucked behind a group of trees, B revealed himself by sliding off the tinted helmet and smoothed over his durag that covered his neatly braided hair. For the next part of his mission, B used the provided codes to gain access to the heavy door that led to the person he was there to see. A caucasian male stood in the center of the room clutching the briefcase in question, flanked by two burley bodyguards, eager to discuss their transaction.

"Target eliminated." B started as he casually walked toward the man.

"And you're certain he's dead?"The guy asked.

"I said target eliminated, do you not know what the FUCK that means? He's dead."B snapped, putting the gentleman on edge.

The man raised his hands as he didn't want any trouble with a black man who looked like he'd break his jaw. "Alright, alright. I just wanted to be certain. Here's the rest of it."

B looked the man up and down, and nodded as he snatched the briefcase from his grasp."Nice doin business with you."

"yes, any-"

Before the man could finish, B stuck the same weapon underneath the man's chin and pulled the trigger, sending the fatal bullet through the top of his head. He swiftly pivoted and fired upon both body guards before they could even draw their weapons. His reaction time was impressive, and because he was so swift was the reason he was the most sought after.

B calmly walked through the building, shooting men when they were alerted of his presence until all threats were eliminated. He stopped to pick up a stashed duffel bag to transfer the cash into before he jumped in an unmarked truck. He drove to his temporary home and dumped the cash on the table to stare at it while he reflected. He questioned what he would do with the money since he never really lived his life to the fullest potential to actually spend it as it continuously accumulated. It was insane the amount of money he was sitting on, both in cash and in his domestic and offshore accounts. He had two nice cars, a condo that was paid for and a massive collection of weapons, jewelry, and shoes, but nothing else.

Ironically, the thought of Kali crossed his mind and he smiled. He realized how goofy he looked smiling at a pile of money before he abruptly swept it back in the bag before he made the connection between the thought of her and spending money. He laughed out loud at how crazy he felt before he decided to get comfortable in his room to order some postmates.


"Brook, I have to learn how to suck dick. I can't be out here lookin like an inexperienced fool."I worried as I took a seat on my couch.

"You worried bout the wrong things? Are you even gettin ya back blown out yet?" She frowned at the camera.

"Yes, and apparently I'm terrible at head. I bit him, Brook." I winced as I explained.

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