Chapter 22: Won't You Come Home

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B casually strolled into headquarters with a bit of an attitude since he didn't care to be there. As soon as he entered the room of brothers in arms, all eyes turned toward him.

"Stevens, so nice to finally join us. Is your communication device broken?" The older gentleman, who was his Captain pressed sarcastically.

"No. I've been blatantly ignoring you, but I'm here now so wassup? And This couldn't be sent electronically like any other time?" B snapped, causing his colleagues to wince at his boldness toward their superior. B wasn't in the mood and for damn sure wasn't prepared for what was about to be discussed.

His superior shook his head as he brushed off B's attitude, knowing he needed B to be clear headed before dropping the informational bomb. "Stevens, I'll let you slide today, but give me that shit again and I'll have your ass demoted and locked in solitary for a month." He warned while glaring at B like a parent scolding a child, while B contemplated telling him to fuck himself. Instead, he took a seat and waved his hand dismissively before his superior pressed the remote connected to the high tech projector to brief them on their next target.

The next target was the leader of a terrorist group with a murderous rap sheet that had long evaded capture. The government had finally gotten a lead and were sending B's special unit over to eliminate them. After a run down of the plan, they were given the necessary items and information to complete the mission, concluding the brief, but informative meeting.

"Any questions?" The superior asked and no one raised a hand. In fact B was halfway out the door on his way to the jet so he could get it over with.



It was Midnight, and the full moon was as big as B had ever seen it, but it's illumination still did nothing for the sky's cast of darkness over them. B kept his sights on the enemy as they sat in a blind looking through his night vision binoculars at his target. He was amongst other men in an apparent meeting outside of the lair in which they were hiding.

"Stevens let me see the binoculars." A fellow by the name of Jordan insisted. He was a quiet black dude in his early thirties, very similar to B in the sense that they were about their business and barely spoke on the job. They were there to complete their mission, collect their cash, and get back to their separate lives before the next call came in to do it all over again.

B handed them over and waited for Jordan's analysis of the situation while he observed with the naked eye and open ears, clocking his next move.

"We're sitting ducks out here, and We gotta go in now."There's an opening, and if we don't act now, we'll be ambushed."Jordan advised as he observed their surroundings nervously, unsettling B.

"Well let's go, Adnan just went inside so let's get the riff raff first."B whispered as he adjusted his custom MK 13 CQBR assault rifle to step out of the man made hole they were hiding in.

They crouched out of hiding, making sure to secure every sized weapon that they could carry before they crept stealthily through the area. They waited against the wall of the lair and an opportunity presented itself when they simultaneously spotted a guard urinating with his back toward them. B acted quickly, taking the opportunity to kill him quietly by snapping his neck before pulling him into tall grass so his body wasn't immediately found. B and Jordan worked together killing guards on the outside quietly before they met in a meeting spot to gain entry through a tunnel.

B paused as he felt uneasy about crawling through the tunnel to get to the bunker. He knew something wasn't right and he had to listen to his gut."Yo Jordan, I think we need to call for backup."

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