Chapter 10: Feelin Myself

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Kali walked up her entry way, and was surprised to see Janee standing against B's door. She observed how distraught and worn down she looked as she tapped her foot impatiently. As she approached her door, Kali painted on a smile and extended some positive energy that she looked like she needed at the moment.

"Oh hey Janee! How you doing?!"

"Hey Kali." She offered dryly and Kali winced as her tone caught her off guard, but she persisted.

"Oh B's not here and umm..he hasn't been for a while now." She revealed as she fumbled with her keys.

"Oh I know. He's actually on his way now. I just texted him and he told me to meet him here."She countered and Kali nodded.

"Oh ok, well you can come in until he shows up. I don't mind. You don't have to sit out here."

Finally she perked and stood up straight."Oh thank you girl. 'Preciate you."

"Don't mention it, just excuse the shoes --she informed with a chuckle as she started to open her door--I couldn't figure out which ones to wear.-- Janee gave her a polite chuckle as she waited and crossed over the threshold to step over a pair of booties. Kali grabbed the three pairs of shoes at the door and ran them to her closet to their rightful place while she screamed out to Janee.--Go ahead and have a seat. Did you want anything to drink?!"

"No, thank you!--Janee hollered back as she inspected the place. It was clean besides the shoes and really artsy, a direct reflection of the home she came from. Nae took a seat on the couch and stared at the funny looking crystals spread throughout the living room, not really knowing what they were for.

Kali returned to the living room and noticed how sad she looked and frowned. Her usual energy was off. Both times she encountered her, she seemed confident and strong, but she felt closed off and discouraged in the moment.

"Um..are you ok?" Kali asked straight out the gate and Janee avoided eye contact as she answered her.


Kali raised her brows knowing as a woman that meant that something was really wrong, but she didn't want to talk about it. She decided to change the subject, not really realizing that the subject matter WAS the reason for her sorrow.

"So is Bakari's rude ass ok?"

"Yea he leaves for work and doesn't really communicate while he's away, but when he saw my message he said I could stop by."

Kali nodded and moved her crystals around out of habit."So what exactly does he do?"

"I don't know. He won't tell me, so your guess is as good as mine--she shrugged as she scrunched her lips and tilted her head--but why you so concerned? I thought you didn't like him."

"I don't. Just curious." Kali shrugged nonchalantly as she sat down in a chair and crossed her legs when it became abnormally quiet once Janee tore her eyes away. It was weird receiving the cold shoulder as they both scrolled through their phones until the tension was broken by the sound of keys in the hallway.

Janee's head whipped toward the sound of his arrival and sighed."He's here. Thank you for letting me sit in here. I'll catch you later." Janee thanked as she stood and Kali remained seated.

"It's cool." Kali offered dryly.

"Janee gave a forced smile as she let herself out to catch him before he went inside.

Kali heard their forced conversation, then the door closed, and she purposely stayed quiet to hear what this nervous energy was about.


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