chapter thirty-one: the gravity of the situation

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Once he finally pulled away, he quickly stood up. I watched him open his drawers to get out clothes. When one of the drawers wouldn't open, he hit the dresser, cursing. I stood up as he leaned against his dresser. "Can I stay here tonight?"

"I don't need you here," he mumbled.

"I know," I nodded. "I just, I want to stay."

"Your room's down the hall."

I tried to think of something to say that would convince him I needed to stay for me. "What I had with George was more than just that kiss or a one night stand." He turned around. I crossed my arms, suddenly feeling exposed. "And I had to end it so I just..." I shrugged. "I don't want to be alone." He didn't say anything so I shook my head. "Nevermind. I'll be fine."

"Stop," he interrupted, grabbing my arm as I passed. "You can stay." I looked at him for a moment before nodding.

"Thank you." He gave me a shirt to wear, and soon we were lying down, staring up at the ceiling. We didn't talk for a while. "Can I ask what happened up there?"

He sighed. "I was about to do it. Maybe." He paused. "I don't know, but Snape came. He did it."

"I know you wanted to do it," I spoke quietly, looking over at him. He looked at me. "But I'm really glad you didn't."

"I know," he nodded. "I kind of am too." He searched my face for a moment. "I'm sorry for saying all that shit about killing being your pastime and all. That, I was frustrated."

"It's okay, Draco," I assured him. "I'm used to your shit." I saw a hint of a smile on his face.

"Can I ask you something?"


"You've really been sneaking around with Weasley all this time?"

I smiled, rolling over so my back was to him. "Goodnight, Draco."

"I don't know if I should be impressed you kept it a secret or concerned you chose him."

"Well, my other options were Miles, Adrian, or Cassius. Don't think that opens many doors."

"Fair enough." I turned back to look at him.

"How about Pansy? She looks like she wants to shoot me every time I'm around you."

He groaned. "Don't get me started on her." I laughed lightly, laying back down.

"Goodnight, Draco."

"Goodnight, Larissa."

I knew he needed me there. The last thing he needed was to be alone right now. But at that moment, I didn't know which of us needed the other more.


I think we both slept. At least, I dozed off for more than five minutes a couple times, and I think he did too. Either that or he is a pro at being still. We got up the next morning and went about our day. It was crazy. Voldemort was there, planning the next steps, being fake proud of Draco for helping in Dumbledore's demise, tasking me with more torturing and death. I couldn't even get a second away to figure out if I was really pregnant or not.

Two days later, he finally left. Once I found a moment away from the craziness that was making me sick, I locked myself in my room and finally opened my suitcase. I pulled out the three vials, putting two of them aside before opening the graviditation potion. I stared at the clear, sparkling potion for a moment before pulling out a piece of my hair and resting it in the potion. I set it on the counter and watched. When it didn't change, I sighed in relief.

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