34. Pre-War

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"Thanos?" You asked

"Yeah, do you know anything about him?" Bruce asked

Nebula looked at you, "uh... no?"

"Y/n is his first-born," Nebula said

"Jesus Nebula!" You complained

"What?" Everyone asked confused

"I was as confused as you are, but yeah, and I knew he had Loki," You admitted

"Wait how did you know about the Loki thing?" Nebula asked

"Well, if you have someone working for you because they're not free, I wouldn't give them freedom so they can tell everyone what I did to them, I'd keep on blackmailing them until I get what I want, and then I'd kill them," You made a pause and you realised, "Shit, shit, shit, he's going to kill Loki!"

"You really are his daughter," Nebula said

"No, no, no, I'm nothing like him!" You said freaking out, "THOR!! THANOS WILL kILL HIM!"

"But what does he want?" Tony asked trying to calm you down

"Infinity stones, so the world is perfectly balanced. He's planning on killing half universe," Nebula informed

"He's fucking sick!" Natasha said.

"We need to stop him!" Steve responded

"Impossible," Nebula announced, "He's got them all except for the Tesseract, he'll get it soon"

"When is soon?" You asked

"That's why he wanted the Tesseract when we met him," Bruce said

"He got it, right?" You asked hopelessly

"Yes, I just got the notification, it's been stolen from the laboratory a few minutes ago," Tony said sitting down on the sofa

"It's too late," Steve gave up and sat down, followed by all of the team except you.

"Are you kidding me? We're supposed to be The Avengers! We never give up!" You yelled at them.

"He'll go to Earth to use them, he always talked about doing it on here," Nebula said

"Great, then he's not very far away, we just need to find where he is," You said smiling, "COME ON! MOVE! START WORKING!!!"

"y/n, Earth is not as big as the universe, of course, but it's not a small place either," Natasha said closing her eyes, "We're doomed"

"We're not! We can stop him! Nebula! Any idea where he might go?" You asked still not losing hope, even tho you knew it was a lost cause.

"Vision," Tony said standing up, "Vision has one of the stones, Thanos is missing two,"

"He'll come after Vision then," Rodhey said

"Where is he?" You asked looking around

"Comforting Wanda," Bruce replied 

"Okay, we need to get him into a safe space," Steve said," I have an idea"

He stood up and left the room while dialing someone's phone number, everyone looked around confused and after a minute Steve returned.

"Come on," He said, "Everyone to the quinjet, we're going to Wakanda"

"To where?" You asked

"You'll see, it's amazing," Steve replied.

Everyone stood up and left, everyone except Tony.

"Tony?" You asked when you saw he wasn't moving

"I... I will stay here," Tony said

"Why?" You asked

"We uh... we couldn't find a good moment to say this but um... Pepper's pregnant" He said

"She's what now?" You asked in shock

"We're having a baby," Tony said looking down

"It's okay, then, congrats!" You said smiling

"Although if you need me urgently I'll go right away," He smiled

"Okay, goodbye," You said turning around to where the other members of the team where

"Don't tell them yet," Tony said before you walked out of the room.

"Where's Tony?" Natasha asked

"He'll stay here, he's an old man," You laughed


After a few hours floating through the skies, the Quinjet landed.

There were people in front of the door waiting for The Avengers.

"Thank you," Steve greeted a man with a dark suit.

"No worries," He replied with a different accent.

"He's a king so you should vow," Rodhey told Bruce, who immediately vowed.

"Oh, we don't do that here," The king smiled politely, "I'm T'challa,"

"I'm y/n," You smiled, everyone started introducing themselves.

"Oh, this is Shuri, my little sister," T'challa mentioned

"Hi everyone," Shuri smiled and went over to Bruce.

"Is it going to be a big fight?" T'challa asked Steve and you

"Kind of," Steve replied while you said "Yes"

"Okay, let's get ready," He replied walking into the building


You walked with Nebula while everyone started working and preparing. You already helped in all the ways you could and so did Nebula.

"So... when is this happening?" You asked Nebula

"Soon I guess. It's supposed to be today, Thanos wants the infinity stones soon, today is the day" Nebula said

"Great, today we will die!" you exclaimed

"Probably. Maybe we don't. let's not lose hope," SHe said
"Hope is with Scott preparing for the war," You replied

"oh," Nabula laughed

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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