7 Trip on the Quinjet

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It was already 6 pm, everyone had their suit on and on their way to the roof. 

"Is everyone here?" Tony asked while touching some buttons of the Quinjet.

"Yeah, except for Peter. I don't think he's gonna come." Sam said

"Why?" Bucky asked.

"Well, imagine having a girlfriend, and she tells you she's from another planet. You also see her sleeping with someone else AND she's going on a mission to find her one true love." Clint said.

"I can hear you!" You told them while entering the Quinjet.

Thor entered the last one, he looked amazed. 

A few seconds after everyone got in, the Quinjet left the floor and started flying on the blue clear sky.

"Do you have any idea where Loki could be?" Tony asked Thor after  5 minutes of complete silence (except for Sam and Clint, they didn't stop talking)

"No" Thor replied

"I do" You said softly

"Where is he?" Cap asked

"Well, every night Loki and I went to the same bridge and talked about life, we- I, I also drank a lot, he would teach me the stars and constellations." You said.

"Thanks for the storytime, dearie, but we need to know where he is. Now. He could be about to kill the entire human race." Nat said softly.

"He always said that if he had to leave Asgard, he would go to Midgard." You said everyone looked at you confused. "Earth"

"We know he's in Earth, or middlegard or whatever name has." Wanda said.

"Midgard" Thor said with his booming voice.

"He also said his favorite place was Spain." You said.

"Spain? What does Spain have? Bulls? Cows? Fish?" Clint asked laughing.

"That's rude. Heimdall- He's a dude with a sword that can teleport people, sent me to Spain. So I know some people from there that could help us." You said.

"Why would we go to Spain? I mean, Doctor Selvig works in the US. And if he works with Loki, he should be in the US." Bruce explained

"He can do illusions." Thor said.

"So Loki's a wizard? Great. Another Doctor Strange." Tony said rolling his eyes.

A portal opened next to Tony. "I can hear you!" Doctor Strange yelled from the other end of the portal.

"Sorry!" Tony said. The portal closed.

"That was so awesome!" Thor exclaimed.

"Back to the mission." Cap said and looked at you.

"I'm 100% sure he's in Spain." You assured them.

"Okay then, let's go to Spain." Wanda said.

"I'm in Spain." Bucky said. Everyone looked at him. "Without the 's'" He said. Then he laughed.

We all laughed awkwardly since no one knew what to say.

"I'm hungry!" Clint said. "TONY! WHY DIDN'T YOU BUY POPCORNS!?"

"Oh, Jesus Christ." Tony sighed. "I DIDN'T HAVE TIME!"

"IS THERE ANY FOOD?" Clint yelled.

You didn't know why they were yelling. The jet wasn't that big.

"JARVIS! Call Pepper!" Tony said.

"Calling Pepper" Jarvis said.

"Hey, babe!" Pepper said through the speakers.

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