10. Attack

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You don't know what happened, it happened too fast. No one from the team could've defended themselves. They caught you with the guard down.

You were slowly opening your eyes, you tried to move but you couldn't. You looked down and saw your whole body full of chains. You looked around to see all of the team's members (except for Thor and Loki) in the same situation as yours. You could also see two females and one male figure sitting on the floor and sofa.

"Who are you? What do you want?" You asked. Everyone started to wake up slowly. You were the first one waking up.

"Took you long enough to wake up." A young female voice said when everyone was awake.
"All the answers you seek can be found in her" An older woman said pointing at Nat.

"Please, stop" Nat replied.

"Why should we? We told you what would have happened if you left" The male said.

"Hurt me but not them." She said with tears on her face.

"No, I like seeing you suffer... Sister." The young female said.
"Sister?" Cap asked
"Long story" Nat replied looking at her sister

"Well, they have all the time in the world." The male said

"Meet my dad, my sister and my mother" Nat said pointing at them with her face since she was also restrained.

"Wha-? I thought you said- I-" Sam said confused

"I said they died because they are dead to me." She said looking at them with disgust.

"Choose your next words wisely, Natasha. Or they will suffer" Nat's sister said threateningly.

"What do you want from her?" Bucky asked

"Look who it is, the famous winter soldier" Nat's mother said sarcastically. "We want her."

"Why?" Tony asked

"She ran away, killing most of our agents." The dad said

"Maybe she ran away for a reason?" Clint said trying to get rid of the chains. He was unsuccessful.

"With who should we start with?" Nat's sister asked looking at all the team.

"We should start in order, who woke up first?" Nat's dad replied.
"Her" Nat's mother pointed at you.

"Then, we'll start with her" The father said walking towards you and taking the chains off of you. You punched him in the face making him yell from the pain you caused. Then, Nat's little sister tased you with a taser. You fell on the floor unconscious. 


You woke up at the sound of a saw. You couldn't move, you looked around again but you weren't on a chair anymore, you were laid down on a wooden table with your feet and hands chained up forcing you to be in an uncomfortable starfish position. You saw Nat's sister smiling while approaching the saw to your body. It was painful, really painful. You could feel your skin and muscles breaking, the screaming of the Avengers weren't really helpful (they were trying to make Nat's sister stop).

"ALRIGHT FINE! JUST STOP!" Nat yelled with tears in her eyes.

"NO! DON'T! IT DOESN'T HURT! IT'S OKAY!" You yelled at Nat while screaming because of the pain. Nat's father unchained Nat and brung her to see your face while they were torturing you. You had tears in your eyes.

"It's okay" You whispered while closing your eyes shut trying to not scream at the pain you were feeling. Suddenly, you felt something leaving your body. Your left arm. You shrieked in pain.

"It's okay" You repeated looking at Nat's eyes.

"Next to the other one." Nat's mother said to the sister. The sister nodded in agreement and started doing the same thing on your other arm.

"Hello! I'm back- WHAT'S GOING ON?" Maria yelled looking at everyone confused.

"Kill her." The mother ordered. Nat's dad took a gun out and shot her in the head.

"NOO!" You cried as you watched your best friend's body falling to the floor with no expression on her face. Everyone was shocked at the lack of hesitation of Natasha's father. Natasha's sister continued cutting your right arm off. It hurt a lot but you didn't want to give them the satisfaction. You were with your eyes shut closed reminding Nat that everything was okay while your left arm was on the floor full of blood and you were about to die because of the loss of blood. You passed out. 

The last thing you saw was Loki's worried face carrying you out of the apartment. 

Author's note:

AAH! I'm sorry for such a short chapter! And I'm sorry to cut y'all your arms off :) But hey! Loki saved us, didn't he? That's all that matters! Btw sorry for being inactive :(

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