1 Drunk kiss

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"What are you looking at, my dear? I know I am handsome but could you please stop staring at me? " He asked laughing.
"I am not staring at you, dumbass! I am making you feel uncomfortable so you get distracted so I win the game!" You explained smiling and chuckling.
"I'm sorry to say this but, it has not worked." He said looking at you.
"Are you sure?" You asked smiling.
Loki looked at the laptop Thor had just turned off, not saving the game.
"I am sorry, brother. But you are not the only one who can enjoy pranking people." Thor said laughing.

All of you laughed together. It has been a while since you last laughed like that. A few months ago there was a war between Asgard and Jötunheim. Odin forced you, Thor, Sif, and Loki to battle with him. The war ended a few weeks ago so you planned a trip to Midgard to relax a little bit and you bought an iPhone for Thor, Sif, and Loki and a laptop to share.

Time passed really quickly and suddenly the sun already disappeared.

"I have to go now, I have a date." Thor said packing his stuff (books and food) 
"Who's the desperate girl that wants to date you?" Sif asked giggling.
"Her name is Jane, she's not desperate and she's really smart and gorgeous." He said smiling. "I think I have fallen in love"

"Okay, Thor, chill. Is it your first date?" You asked, he nodded. "You can't fall in love that fast at our age!"
"Wait! Don't say anything!" Sif said looking for something on her phone. "Okay found it!"
"you wanna see some real speed bitch" [The audio from TikTok]
"This audio is literally Thor" Sif said laughing.
We all laughed.
"Okay, mock me I do not care. Now excuse me I will go on a date." He said, then he left smiling.
"I should probably go too, I have to train so I can beat your brother's ass." Sif said looking at Loki. "By the way, Y/N, we have training tomorrow" She left.

The only ones left were you and Loki. You've been friends with him since you were born, but you always felt a different kind of feeling towards him, not the same that you felt towards Thor or Sif.

"Were you speaking the truth when you said you didn't believe people could fall in love at such a young age? Don't you want to fall in love.?" Loki asked looking at you.

"Yeah, I mean, you're only a teenager, you barely started living your life. Why fall in love? It will only ruin you!" You said.

You didn't have a really great relationship with things related to love. Your parents fought all the time and they would hit each other. After some time they got divorced and your dad committed suicide because he was madly in love with your mom.

"I guess you're right." Loki answered he knew not to say anything about this subject because it made you feel uncomfortable.

"I know lots of people want to fall in love and that cheesy stuff but we've still got our whole life to find love. We're only like 16 years in human years!" You answered his previous question. 

"What is it with you and Midgardian culture? You never stop talking about it!" Loki said smiling

"Midgard is really pretty!" You said smiling. "Hey! Let's go drink!"

"I don't think it's a good idea, Y/N. You know what happened last time." Loki said

"Come on! It'll be fun!" You said grabbing his hand. You stopped. He grabbed your hand too. You looked at each other awkwardly and then at your hands. You let his hand go. "Um... Let's go drink."

"Yeah." He said blushing while you weren't looking since you were leaving the room to drink.

You went to the kitchen and grabbed some bottles of whatever drink you saw. Then you went to the same bridge you always go to with your friends.

You sat down next to Loki and started drinking a little bit. Soon enough you were a little bit drunk. Loki, on the other hand, didn't drink anything, he knew he would have to take you home because you drank a lot.

"Do you like someone?" You asked him unexpectedly.

"I-I-No... I do not. Why?" Loki asked nervously.

"Nothing" You drank a little bit more.


"I think I like someone." You said.

"You do? Can I know who?" Loki asked curiously.

"I do and no, I'm not drunk enough to tell you." You said laughing.

You started talking about other things and Loki looked at his watch.

"It's 3 am, we should probably go to our houses," Loki said.


You walked together until you reached the palace. Were you saw Thor crying.

"Thor!" You said walking towards him.
"Brother!" Loki said doing the same thing.
"What's wrong?" Both of you asked.
"She said I was too tall for her." Thor said crying. You started laughing.

"Are you seriously going to let a 15 yeard old asshole tell you you're too tall for her? No! Hell no! You don't deserve her! Come 'ere! Drink!" You said giving him a bottle and you drank from another one.

A few minutes later, both of you were really drunk.

"You know y/n? I'm glad we're friends." Thor said hugging you.

You started crying.
"What's wrong?" Loki asked.
"I haven't got my first kiss! I'm 16 and I never got my first kiss!" You said sobbing.
"You don't like love, how are you going to get your first kiss if you dislike love?" Loki asked you laughing.
"I will get my first kiss! Today! Now!" You said very sure about yourself.
"What?" Loki asked confused.

Thor was sitting next to you and Loki was standing up in front of you. You were sure you were having your first kiss today. Which one would you choose? Your brain wasn't fully working because of the alcohol.
You looked at Thor.
"Hey! Look at me!" You said looking at Thor.
"I'm looking at you, y/n" He said looking the other way.
Both of you were wasted. 

"The other way!" You said laughing. He looked at you. You lean towards him and he leaned towards you too. Suddenly your lips were touching and your tongues were in the other's mouth. You kissed for a few minutes until you had to get some oxygen because if you didn't you died.
"I-" Thor said.
"That's because Jane didn't give you the kiss you deserved!" You said smiling. You looked in front of you, expecting to see Loki. But he wasn't there. You were too high to look for him so instead, you went to your room and lay in your bed until you fell asleep.

Author's note: 

Hi, y'all! Thank u for reading! I try not to make any mistakes in spelling and stuff because I'm from Spain and English is not my first language!  Don't forget to vote and stuff! Btw I love seeing everyone's comment so feel free to comment whenever you want!


Teenage love [Loki x female reader]Where stories live. Discover now