28 Change of plans

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The next day was uncomfortable. As you were all eating breakfast and Natasha complained about her hangover, Steve sat next to you, and Sharon next to him. Everyone avoided Steve's eyes and continued talking as if he wasn't there.

"Guys, we should start preparing for the mission," Tony said when he finished his cup of coffee.

"We should," Nat agreed squeezing her head slightly (she was trying to make the pain go away), "Sharon get the fuck out"
"She's coming," Steve said

"Great, if we mess up, it's on her. If someone dies, it's on her," Nat said standing up, "I'm gonna get changed and then we can start preparing ourselves for the mission"
Natasha left, followed by Bruce and Rodhey since they had already finished their breakfast and changed themselves into comfortable clothes.

"So," Sam started looking at Bucky, "You two...?"
"She was drunk," Bucky said finishing his cup of tea, Sam looked at Buck as if he was waiting for more details, "So I took her to her room and put her in her bed, covered with her blankets and left"
"Boring," Sam yawned, "I'm gonna change, bye"

"Yeah, me too," Wanda said leaving with Sam, Pietro, and Vision

The only ones left on the kitchen table were Tony, Steve, Sharon, and you. There was a lot of tension and you didn't feel like dealing with it so you stood up, but

"She's not coming," Tony said referring to Sharon. You sighed and sat back down. If you had been with Loki now, maybe he could've killed Sharon. No one would've blamed him and everyone would understand.

"She is," Steve said

"There are a few reasons why she is not coming, firstly, we don't trust her yet," Tony said, "Second, we don't know her for more than 24 hours and the mission is in 2 days, and third," He looked at you, "We wanted some Loki and y/n moments,"

You blushed but tried to hide it since it wasn't the right time.

"She's not coming Steve," Tony concluded, "Move on"

Steve stood up with a fighting spirit, "Steve, chill," You said putting your hand on his shoulders stopping him from doing something aggressive.

"Don't touch him!" Sharon said pushing you away.

"Don't ever lay a finger on me, don't you dare, bitch," you said angrily walking to her. Suddenly, you were about to choke her while pushing her to the wall.

"What the-," Tony said surprised but terrified at the same time, "Y/n, your eyes, they're..."

"Red?" You said chuckled pushing yourself away from Sharon to control yourself.


You took a deep breath and looked at Sharon, who was looking scared, "Get out, you're not coming"
"She is," cap argued

"You want me to kill her? Because if that's what you want..." You asked walking towards Sharon, Steve ran to protect Sharon, "That's what I thought, she's not coming,"

You left the room and cleared your throat so everyone else would look at you.

"The party is in two days, we have to get ready," You said, "We don't actually need everyone, and it's best if someone stays here so if anything happens someone can help,"

Everyone nodded.

"The party starts at 17:05, only 2 members of the team can get it, those are y/n and Loki," Nat announced

"Where's Loki?" Clint asked

"Asgard," You replied

"He has to get back now," Sam said

"I'll go look for him," You replied, "Start preparing for the mission, I'll catch up,"
"y/n, remember time goes different here than in Asgard," Bruce said

"I know, it's going to be quick," You smiled and left.

You walked to the roof and ordered Heimdall to open the Bifrost, he answered fast and after a few seconds, you were in Asgard, eye to eye with Heimdall and Frigga.

"Hi," You said.


Dear? What are you doing here?

I'm here to pick you up


The mission

"Talking to Loki?" Frigga chuckled

You looked at her and smiled, "maybe"

"I've always known you were made for each other, with or without the mark," Frigga said smiling


"Yes, y/n. Whenever you had problems you would always run to him, and vice-versa. He always took good care of you and you took amazing care of him,"

Mission? What mission?

The one you spent hours training me to do?

"I'm here to pick him up," You said smiling

Oh, right. The mission

What's wrong?

"He's not here, sweetheart," Frigga said confused, "he hasn't been on Asgard for quite a long time,"

"But... I can talk to him?" You asked confused

I won't be able to make it

"That's because he's really powerful, the most powerful person I've ever met," Frigga said

Are you serious? Where the heck are you? Are you okay?

Yes, love, don't worry

Shit, now I'll have to go with fucking Sharon, thanks

Who's Sharon?

A bitch. When are you coming back?

I'm not sure yet, dear. But don't worry

"So, he's not here," You chuckled ironically, "I don't have much to do here and I'm in a hurry,"
"Don't give me any explanation, dear," Frigga said hugging you in a motherly way

"thank you," You said taking a deep breath, you looked at Heimdall (who's been listening to everything) he inserted the sword, spun it and suddenly you were on earth.

"What the fuc-"

Teenage love [Loki x female reader]Where stories live. Discover now