26 Inside

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You entered Steve's mind without him noticing.

The first thing you saw entering Steve's mind was how well organized it was.

It was like a room, but not as messy as others, he had drawers and closets. You walked into the room and looked around, the walls were dark blue and he even had a dark blue carpet. The walls were decorated with Captain America's shield and uniform.

You didn't have much time so you opened one of the drawers next to the door.

There was a label; 'Peggy Carter'

You looked at the files, most of them were Steve falling stupidly and ridiculously in love with her. When the files ended, you wiped your tears off and went to another.

'Serum day'

You weren't even a little interested in seeing Steve get the serum so you opened another, 'Howard Stark', 'Tony Stark', 'Natasha', 'Bruce Banner', 'The Avengers', 'Ultron'.

There were lots of files you would like to watch and read but you didn't have the time.

'Tony's parents' death'

That was interesting. You grabbed that file and started reading it.

Steve knew about Howard's death? And he never told Tony? Wait... is that Bucky?! What is Bucky doing there- OH MY GOD!! BUCKY WHAT THE HECK?! And Steve never told Tony? I hope they react well when I spit the facts.

You closed the file and walked to the door, "Don't worry, I'll be back, this is interesting," and walked out the door.

"The vision... there was you," You looked at Steve, "And you," You looked at Bucky, "And... Your parents," You looked at Tony

"Okay, that's enough," Steve said standing up.

"No, no, tell me, y/n. What about my parents?" Tony asked concerned.

Steve and Bucky looked at each other.

You felt bad about doing this but you did in anyways.

"Bucky... well, it wasn't him, it was the Winter Soldier him, he didn't know what he was doing. Your parents were driving and he... well, he offed them," you said softly

Tony chuckled confusedly, "He did what?"

"He wasn't himself," Steve defended Barnes

"I know, I know," Tony sighed, "But he did kill my parents,"

"I understand you're mad at me, Stark," Bucky said lowering his head.

"Yeah, I'm mad at you, Bucky." Tony paused," But, I know you weren't yourself,"
"Thank you for understanding," Bucky apologized

"What I'm madder about is you," He said looking at Steve," You lied to me, you knew how my parents died and you said nothing!"

"Tony-" Steve began

"No. Don't call me Tony," He said pointing at him

"You have to understand he didn't mean to and telling you would only make things worse," Steve said.

"What are you now? A coward? Now, by not telling me and me finding out, makes things even worse than before," Tony said, "I want you out of my home,"
"What?" Steve asked confused, "Tony, I-, you cant do this,"
"Watch me," 

"Let's talk, talking help," Steve said when Tony put his armor on

"Get out!" Tony yelled

"Tony! You HAVE to understand! He's my friend!" 

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