31 The mission pt2

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When Natasha left the room, Sharon was pointing her with a gun, "dead" she said. Nat fought her for a few minutes until Sharon fell on the floor, Nat took that opportunity to leave and find a weapon.

She tried not to run but failed when the bodyguards started yelling and running at her.

"Guys, they know I'm me," Nat said

"Change," Bucky said

"What?" Nat asked breathless while she was trying to hide 

"You're wearing the mask, change it into someone else," Bucky explained

"Great idea," Nat agreed. 

Suddenly, Natasha wasn't Sofia anymore. She turned into the man she found earlier, Michael Ross.

"Have you seen a blonde, long-haired, tall girl?" One of the bodyguards asked Michael (a.k.a Natasha)

"No, I'm sorry," She replied trying to breathe as normally as possible.

Natasha went on a search trip to find the original Michael. She found him exactly where she had left him.

"Took you very long, miss Romanova," He replied

Nat's eyes widened but Michael grabbed her hand and walked away from the crowded room.

"Baron Zemo, nice to meet you," He said taking off his mask.

"Natasha," She replied taking off her mask.

There was a small pause, "Do you need help?" he asked

"IS THAt bARON ZEMO?" Clint asked through the comms

"BARON? mAKE HER LEAVE!" Steve yelled.

"Can I speak to Steve?" He asked

"Yes, put him on!" Steve replied 

"Sure," Nat took off her comms and handed them to Zemo.

"Stupid Zemo," Steve greeted Zemo

"Super-soldier," Zemo replied

"What do you want?"
"It's easy actually, I want you dead," He replied, "Enjoy your time, you won't be alive soon"
He handed the comms to Nat before Steve could reply.

"Anything else?" nat asked

"Yeah, one more thing," He replied, he took a deep breath and yelled, "THEY'RE HERE! THE AVENGE-!"

Natasha made him shut up by throwing him on the floor, but Zemo was stronger and threw Nat at the wall. 

Natasha quickly stood up and started fighting with him.

"SAM!" Nat yelled.

Sam was running to them but the guards stopped him before he could do anything.

Then, people started screaming, someone had thrown a bottle full of toxic gas.

Everyone started falling on the floor.

Natasha grabbed the closest thing that looked like cloth. But it was too late, she had already fallen.

Sam fell aswell.


"GO HELP!" Tony yelled.

Clint went quickly inside the building, he couldn't see much because of the gas and he couldn't breathe properly. He fell.

"CLINT?" Tony asked as he was about to open the van to go help, but it was too late.

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