11 Your brain

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You woke up slowly opening one eye, it was all dark. You guessed it was nighttime. You tried to move but your body was still asleep. You looked around and you realized you were in the Avengers Tower's infirmary. 

There was a male figure in a chair next to your bed, the male looked like he was sleeping. You tried to see who it was but you didn't take much time to recognize who it was. Loki.

You tried not to move or make any sound that would wake him up. You sighted. Then you closed your eyes shut and took a deep breath. You opened them again and looked at your supposedly non-existent arm but you had an arm, not a metal one like Bucky had, it was completely exact as the original one. 

Did they sew you back the arm?

"No, I used my magic to heal you," The most perfect voice said. You looked at Loki, you could see him move and standing up to sit on his knees next to your bed.

"How- Did you just read my mind?" You asked at him amused and also scared because your mind wasn't really... clean or appropriate for anyone to enter. Especially Loki.

"How are you feeling?" He asked ignoring my question.

"Good, but it still hurts a little bit." You said looking at your left arm.

"You will have to rest for a bit," Loki said looking at you.

"How much- What day-?" Loki interrupted you

"4 days" He answered. 

"Bruce and Tony usually come here at 6 am so I will have to go in a few minutes if I do not wish to get caught," Loki said looking at your Y/E/C eyes. You stared at his green emerald eyes.

"How are the rest of the team? Did you save them?" You asked Loki.

"Um no. I saved you and then, my brother, Thor took care of the rest. Your friends are okay. Which I hate" He said, the last part lowering his voice. You giggled. 

"This was my fault," Loki said looking at your bruises and your left arm.

"No, it wasn't " You replied placing your hand on his cheeks. He grabbed the hand you had in his cheek and moved it to your bedsheet. 

"It is my fault. If I haven't gone to Midgard, my brother would have not been here looking for me. You would have not come to Spain, and you would have not used your friend's house. Natasha's parents would have not found you and tortured you" He said walking away from you. 

"Hey, come here. Don't walk away from me. Please." You said softly. He gave up quickly and went back to you. You grabbed his hands and kissed them softly. 

"It wasn't your fault. Nat's parents would have found her sooner or later. And yeah, my friend died, but it wasn't your fault, it was Nat's father's fault." You said smiling placing another kiss in his hand.

You couldn't see very well, but you were sure he was blushing. You heard noises coming from outside the room and Loki got up quickly.

"Where are you going?" You asked him as he walked towards the other exit.

"I will be back soon, love. Don't worry about me." He said. 

The door opened and Tony got in with Bruce talking about something about cells, and stuff you were too sleepy to understand. You looked at them and then at the other door closing. Loki left. They turned on the lights.

"THE LIGHTS, YOU IDIOTS! AH! MY EYES!" You yelled smiling but also wishing them dead. 

"You're awake?" Bruce asked.

"No, I'm sleep-talking." You replied ironically.

"How long have you been awake for?" Tony asked walking towards me and checking my body temperature. 

Teenage love [Loki x female reader]Where stories live. Discover now